Jun 13, 2004 00:00
So Adreinne (my housemate) and I were going to stay home and sulk all evening but I finally convinced her to join me for Rose Cousins at the Khyber. She put on an amazing show, my bosses teased me for not drinking and then they danced with the audience. I laughed and said I'd join in next time, Crazy Karen and Michelle.
Then Rosie (other housemate) had told us of a new club, Rain, opening where breakers used to be, so we took a run up. So nice, great place to dance to house music and watch the DJ spin. Lights and free sushi. Plus I got to see Matt, big sideburn guy from the Mount. He's so nice and he's in Halifax for the summer which is a plus.
It became super hot up there so I decided to go visit Dave at the Seahorse because he's super sweet and deserves a break from teeny-punks. Though I fell deathly in love with the tiny boy in dress pants and shirt sporting a fishing hat. HAHA. Good 'ol Seahorse. Hope you had fun there tonight Bex.
Tonight we went out to East Side's for some good 'ol grub and bought Dan an ice cream on the way home to ease his mouth pains.
Off to bed for a long, accounting filled day tomorrow.