Everyone who cares should go

Apr 28, 2004 17:09

THURSDAY, April 29 7:30 PM
Third Floor Dalhousie Student Union Building
6136 University Ave., Halifax, NS
NOTE: Location has changed to avoid crossing CUPE 3912 pickets.

Jeremy Hinzman is a US soldier who refused to serve in Iraq because he is a conscientious objector to the war. In January of this year, he left the US and applied for refugee status with his wife and son in Canada (http://www.jeremyhinzman.net/). The Halifax Peace Coalition has organized a public event for Jeremy on Thursday, April 29. That evening, Jeremy will be joined by Roger Davies, a Vietnam war draft resister, peace activist and long-time resident of Halifax, and they will discuss their experiences and Canada's role as a refuge from war. Michael Cross, a retired social historian and history professor at Dalhousie University, will chair the session. This free public event will be held 7:30 pm, Thursday April 29 in room 105 of the Weldon Law Building, Dalhousie University, 6061 University Ave. Donations appreciated to support Jeremy's refugee bid. All welcome.

Please post this in any other Halifax locations. Merci!
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