actually writing this week

Dec 03, 2009 09:55

I worked on writing yesterday morning and again this morning. (I did yoga Tuesday night, so I put Wednesday morning's yoga time towards writing, and Thursday morning's yoga time has theoretically always been for writing because of flamenco Thursday night.) I opened the notebook. I typed up some things that sort of resemble poems. One of them was written on two napkins and shoved in there. And by "sort of resemble poems", I am actually being entirely honest, because these things are really different from what I used to write. They are not very lyrical or full of imagery; they're sort of raw and sharp. I cut myself on one yesterday morning and got kind of teary. I think they might end up as prose poems? They don't seem to want line breaks. I'm not sure what I'll have to do to revise them, so I'm reading some prose poems hoping for ideas. I'm midway through Sentence issue # 6, and then I'm planning to reread Wenderoth's Letters to Wendy's and Gary Young's No Other Life. Although maybe I should skip right to Gary Young? F also pulled out a book for me to read. Anyway, there are still more things in the notebook waiting to come out. I feel apprehensive but committed.

Yesterday I also read through a few things that I'd worked on before and had set aside because I didn't know what more to do with them to "finish" them. And I think maybe that's because they actually are finished. But I'm not sure, I think I still have some agonizing to do.

And then there's the Augustine Project, which I've been researching a bunch lately, but right now I feel very connected to what I'm loosely calling the "Please F Don't Die" Project so the Augustine Project is more of a backburner. I feel like they are different projects but I could be wrong about that. I think the Augustine Project might need to percolate a little more, so that the recent research can sink in. I'm hoping that will happen, so that the next time I return to these characters the new things I've learned lately will just be incorporated into my understanding of who they are. Then maybe my poems about them won't suck. That's what I'm hoping, anyway.

So, some writing goodness going on lately! Hopefully I can keep it going longer than three days!


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