This week was crazy. It was not the best week ever.
Monday was fine. Monday was totally cool. I went jogging, no worries.
Tuesday I woke up early to take F to the airport. He was in New Orleans all week for a work conference. Tuesday was also the day that the current transit strike started here in Philly. Tuesday was a craptastic day. After getting F to the airport, I was able to catch a train and get to work on time without a problem, but mostly just because the majority of Philly's commuters hadn't woken up and realized that the buses, subways, and trolleys weren't running. (The regional rail train workers are covered by a different contract than the bus, subway, and trolley guys, so the trains were still running.) By the end of Tuesday, pretty much the entire city was freaking out. They were all freaking out in my train station. I waited well over an hour for a train home and counted myself lucky I didn't have to wait longer. I met a nice young Swarthmore student while waiting in line for the train; he gave me the number for Renato's Pizza, and we both placed dinner orders from the train and picked them up when we arrived. I had pizza for dinner and then grumped out on the couch with SYTYCD all night. I'd had all these things I'd wanted to do while F was out of town and I did exactly none of them on Tuesday. It sucked.
For Wednesday, I contrived a new plan. I would get up at 5:30 AM, catch the 6:46 train to work, get to work by 7:30. After putting in my 7 hours and taking a short lunch, I could then leave at 3 and catch the 3:22 train, getting home around 4. I hoped that this plan would result in me missing most of the delays and lines and nastiness by bypassing rush hour completely. I was correct! I had to get up an hour early, but my commute time was no greater than usual. I decided this was a good tradeoff and did it Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. What I did not expect was how freakin' tired I'd be by 4 PM. I was tired. Tired and grumpy, because I didn't expect to be so tired. Thursday night's dance class in particular wore me out. And, without F around, it was really hard to recharge my batteries. Ordinarily he'd be around, being all supportive and stuff and making me laugh and making me dinner, but instead he was off in New Orleans eating gumbo (and doing work, I guess). So that made it an even harder week.
I picked up F at the airport Friday night. I was really, really happy to see him. We went out for dinner to Panera.
Saturday my mom came over at 10, we left the house at 10:30ish, and dress-shopped all day. We got home around 5 PM. Successful and exhilarated, but it was still a long day.
Today we slept in a bit, then watched Sunday Morning expecting to see the scheduled segment on Neil Gaiman, which appears to have gotten bumped again because it wasn't on. But we got to relax, and then we took down the Halloween decorations, and I reorganized the Decoration Closet which made me happy. We watched some of the Bill Cosby tribute on TV, and some of the Ravens v. Bengals game (how different my life is now, that I willingly watch football when my home team isn't even playing), and then got some grocery shopping done.
Still to do tonight:
- two loads of laundry (as soon as the washers are free)
- make dinner (lobster ravioli!)
- call Missi
- pack lunches
- watch the Eagles stomp the Cowboys
- get to bed by 10 so I can get up at 5:30 tomorrow
Things I'd like to do tonight but probably won't get to do:
- give my black boots their yearly polishing
- yoga (with F)
- write (I've been craving some writing time on the computer, so maybe it's time to start typing up and revising all the things in my notebook that have been collecting for months)
Other things that need to get done:
- changing the sheets
- cleaning the office
- watching Dexter s3