OK, I hate to say it, but this one was really good.
Partly because I'm totally rooting for Jacob, and he gets some action in this one (you choose the WARM guy, dummy, not the cold one! The whole point of sleeping with a dude is to have someone to warm your feet on in the night!). I still think Bella's in a stupid rush--why do anything eternal right away? she could be HAPPY with Jacob--but I'm really hooked in to the story now.
This book also contained the usual horrific examples of writing: everything happens "suddenly" or "quickly"; no one ever "said" anything because they "mumbled" or "gasped" or "demanded" it instead; Jacob's skin (and fur) are still unavoidably russet, and Edward's eyes are unavoidably topaz. Also, this book made me realize that Edward's always chuckling about something. What the hell? If any dude chuckled at me the way Edward's always chuckling at Bella, I'd freakin' punch him. Chucklehead. This book also contained the most laughably fake and poorly written "news story" I have ever seen in my life. Meyer obviously never learned anything about journalism in college, nor, apparently, even ever read a newspaper in her life.
I know the fourth book is going to be disappointing, but now I'm psyched to read it.
::edit:: I just beat last year's book total. I read 128 books in 2007, and I'm at 129 for 2008 with almost another full month to go! Score!