Most of my flist who would be interested probably has
fandom_grammar friended, but just in case you missed it. . . .
fandom_grammar is looking for some new Fandom Grammarians. If you think you have the passion for grammar and English language necessary to answer fandom's questions about how to be more knowledgeable readers and writers, check out
this post at
fandom_grammar for details.
We're looking to expand our knowledge base for dialects and regional usage, so we're specifically looking to add at least one grammarian who is familiar with the non-American rules of English.
We're open to adding up to 6 new Fandom Grammarians, so your position is just an application away!
Please feel free to pimp on your flist or court specific individuals. If you have any questions about the process or what we're looking for, please ask them at the
application post.
Also, if anyone's interested, I wrote a new piece for
fandom_grammar this week. Click
here to see all my fandom grammar pieces.