Last night I:
- stopped at the library, returned two books I'd read, and picked up four new ones (two were on hold for me, and the other two were exciting surprises).
- did yoga for almost an hour!
- typed up a draft of an essay. When it's a little more polished, I'd like to send it to someone to read (warning: graphic and hilarious menstrual details). Any volunteers? (
pocketwitch, I'm sending it to you whether you volunteer or not.) ::edit:: okay, *I* think it's hilarious, but I'm not making any promises. It might just be disturbing.
- cooked crab alfredo cavatappi (aka "crabby pasta"), now with spinach. I have leftovers for dinner tonight.
- watched Chuck and Heroes
Okay, so Heroes surprised me twice last night. The first time was when the Wonder Twins picked up Sylar in the street. I did not see that coming. I am kind of scared for the poor Wonder Twins, although Sylar doesn't show any signs of killing them yet. I guess he's waiting until he can get his powers back (his stolen ones, I mean--his own tick-tock power seems to be working fine).
The second time I was surprised was when the man in the photo was Matt's dad. I knew that people's parents were a big thing in this, and that Hero-ism runs in families, but I don't know why I wasn't thinking about Matt's parentage.
Did anybody get a good look at the rest of the photo? Was Nichelle Nichols in it? I didn't see her, but maybe I missed it. Or maybe DL is related to Charles? Because obviously all the black people have to be related to each other. Simone didn't have any powers, though. I wonder what Nichelle Nichols can do.
I like "As Seen On TV" girl. I think it's interesting that her power is technology-related like Micah's, although we haven't seen that trend in any Hero families before. I wonder if she can do anything she sees happen, or if it has to be on TV?
Why are they recycling powers already? Nathan can fly. Why is West's power also flying? Although Nathan seems to zoom, while West more floats. If similar powers can run in Hero families, then perhaps we'll find out that West is also Nathan's illegitimate child, and Claire is doomed to love only men she is somehow related to.
Oh, and Claire's cheesing me off. Yes, your dad did some crappy things. You knew that. And you watched him take a bullet to keep you safe. That man loves you, and he's going through hell to hide you. So tell your freakin' dad. Say, "Yes, actually, there is a boy, but you've already met him: his name is West and he can fly. I like him and we're not moving again, so how do you want to handle this?" I guess she's just conflicted about Dad's past, and doesn't want to have to move again and leave West, but she's setting up long-term deceptions here. And Daddy's going to figure it out. He's quick like that. I just am worried that Dad's imminent death is going to somehow be Claire's fault and that she'll carry that guilt forever. He's not a perfect man, but he's a good father, and he deserves better than her lying to him. Wow, a year ago I never would've thought I'd be defending Creepy Glasses Man. Also, West needs to know. Claire can never maintain this. West is already sneaking around looking in windows, he's going to spot her dad eventually. This is a big disaster waiting to happen. I mean, obviously, Isaac painted it that way.