May 02, 2007 11:33
I forgot to say, I got my car back last night! I was so happy. I *missed* my car. The loaner Mazda was perfectly fine, but I love my Rabbit. He's all fixed up now, and not dented or banged up anymore, and he's all shiny and clean and they even vaccuumed the inside. He's the bestest car ever, which I told him repeatedly while driving home last night.
Also, I am still very very pleased with how well my insurance company handled the situation, and with how well the body shop handled the situation. Everything that needed to get done was done, done well, done quickly, done without any fuss, and done without any unnecessary intervention or nagging on my part. Everyone did their jobs and did them well. It really sucked to have had an accident, but the insurance company and body shop made it bearable and made it as easy as possible. Nothing but praise from me.