Feb 06, 2007 09:29
I love my apartment. Every pain-in-the-neck about moving was totally justified by the morning I just had. I got to bed early last night, slept very well in my extremely comfortable new bed under my warm new comforter, and started waking up shortly before my alarm went off at 6:15 (instead of 5:45). I got up just after 6:30, which is what I usually did at my mom's house too, only getting up after 6:30 when I lived there meant I had to rush around like crazy to get out the door in time for my train. Getting up at 6:30 today meant I didn't have to rush at all, I had plenty of time to make my bed and take my shower and get dressed and dry my hair and watch Angel on TBS while I ate my breakfast. I left my apartment around 7:55 to catch the 8:11 train, because I wasn't sure how long it would take me, but even with dropping my trash in the dumpster I was still at the station at 7:57. OMG. Because my station is the end of the R8 line, the train was sitting right there, and I got on and it was empty and I had a seat, and my ride in only took 35 minutes. It was a lovely morning.
My apartment is wonderful. It's peaceful. It's pretty. It has my stuff in it and no one else's. There's no one else there to tell me what to do with my stuff, and I don't have to nag anyone to do anything with their stuff. I am putting things where I want them to be, and no one will tell me that's not where they go. And there's enough space in the apartment to be as tidy as I want! No one else's stuff is getting in the way of my being tidy! Everything will have its own place, and it will be organized and nice. And peaceful. And I will hang pretty pictures. And I have two closets in my bedroom and they are both wide enough that I don't have to put the hangers in on a sideways slant and large enough that I have used up all the hangers I own and need to go get more hangers because there's still a lot more space for me to hang clothes in. I can hang up *everything*, and then I can buy more things and hang them up too.
I still have a lot of work to do to get all the way settled in. My books aren't arranged the way I want them, and I haven't done anything with my desk drawers yet, and there's nothing on the walls, and the kitchen's still a big mess, and there are boxes and boxes of knicknacky stuff that it will take a while to find homes for. But it's coming together, and I am just so content.