dreams 2011: another tiny baby

Jan 27, 2011 11:48

Had another baby dream this morning. F and I had a perfect baby girl who was incredibly tiny but perfectly healthy. For some reason we had to take her traveling right away, which was difficult--I'd be holding her in the palm of my hand, and other pedestrians wouldn't see that I was carrying a baby. We went to visit Miles, who had a lot of dreadlocks. I remember thinking that we should have stayed home until she'd had some time to grow bigger. I kept forgetting to feed the baby and then I'd get all frantic when I remembered. She was all sweet and good natured, though, and it didn't seem like she was malnourished. I remember holding her with both hands, looking down at her sleeping and feeling so happy that we had such a perfect little girl. She was curled up in a spiral like a snail.

I often have baby dreams, and often the baby in the dream is really tiny. Let's consult a dream dictionary.


To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted. ... If you dream that you forgot you had a baby, then it suggests that you are trying hide your own vulnerabilities; You do not want to let others know of your weaknesses. Alternatively, forgetting about a baby, represents an aspect of yourself that you have abandoned or put aside due to life's changing circumstances. The dream may serve as a reminder that it is time for you to pick up that old interest, hobby, or project again.

...If you dream that a baby is neglected, then it suggests that you are not paying enough attention to yourself. You are not utilizing your full potential. Alternatively, this dream could represent your fears about your own children and your ability to protect and to provide for them.

To dream of an extremely small baby, symbolizes your helplessness and your fears of letting others become aware of your vulnerabilities and incompetence. You may be afraid to ask for help and as a result tend to take matters into your own hands.

Well, that's weird. I always assumed the baby theme was about new beginnings, like it says here, and the bits about forgetting or neglecting the baby fit in with that--in the dreams I'll often forget about the baby and then get all worried, but the baby seems just fine when I come back to her, which could mean that when I come back to the aspect of myself that I'm neglecting it will still be okay. But the bit about the small baby is weird. I've actually been having a pretty good week in terms of feeling confident and able to get things done. I don't think that's accurate. I think it's more likely that the tiny baby represents whatever thing I'm neglecting, and that this aspect of me is tiny but healthy and beautiful. Wish I knew what it was, though, could be any one of like ten different things. Whatever it is, if it's anything like the babies I dream about, I'm glad I've got it.

dreams, dreams-pregnant, dreams2011

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