Wonderful Weekend

Apr 13, 2015 13:47

Yes. I did have a very wonderful weekend~ :) After a long and hard work week, me and my brother treated our parents to a dinner buffet and man, was it awesomeeeee. Well, it was from my first salary so my mom was super excited for it, you know, moms. haha! So yeah, it was great. Everything was amazing. I ate all the Japanese food that my stomach can handle. I tried chawanmushi for the first time.

Dudeeee. Look at that plate. Haha! It's an eat-all-you-can buffet too so I ate until I felt like I was gonna explode. LOL.

But yeah, so after this, the wonderful weekend continued with my mom actually saying "Let's watch something." and I was like, "What?" and she went, "Concerts?" And just... WHAT hahaha! She's asking it on her own now (well, I did force her to watch with me on Saturday morning because the AC in her room was on so I hung out in there and monopolized her TV by watching Scene in Kokuritsu haha!) Yeah, Sunday afternoon she's like "let's watch again" because the production of Arashi concerts still amazes her.

So right, we watched Scene on Saturday and we watched Popcorn on Sunday (I let her pick haha!). We watched it at night too and my dad was there last night with me and my mom just laughing because he couldn't sleep at how we're partying out to Arashi songs. Haha!

What made it more awesome was, of course we know how Juntoshi are with concerts right? Especially during A Day, and my mom finds it really amusing that Juntoshi are that cute. Haha! I explained that Ohno was the oldest and Jun was the youngest and here are her comments:

"He's (Jun) looking at the other one (Ohno) like he's a girl *laugh*"
"That Ohno's really the girl in this relationship"
"I'm telling you, they're boyfriends"

There were literally tears in my eyes. Haha! I was laughing so hard it but my heart was so happy 'cause my mom ships Juntoshi HAHAHA. This was because she already watched a lot of concerts already. lol. it was really funny. XD

Also, I'm so proud of her because she already knows the members by name and face. So proud. I'm turning my mom into an Arashi fan and it's great~ wooo~ see why it's a wonderful weekend? Hahaha! :P


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