aaaaand this is where i revert to posting porn i've taken many months ago(back in december) but never posted here since i can't think of anything to really write about.
we're going to pittsburgh to hang out with mr. carrot's college buddies, so i may not post anything this weekend. but fear not, i will be back on monday. hopefully i can think of something to post about. heh. GIMME IDEAS! what do you want to know about my food life?
from veganomicon. naturally.
i had to drizzle my icing instead of spreading it. when i spread it, it'd pull the pecans away and it was much too sweet. the book probably says to spread it. the photo in the testing room had the icing look much more fluffy than mine was. dunno what i did wrong, but i like it drizzled. it looks fancy. :-)
keep your eyes out for more cookie porn in the future.
i'll be testing for 2 completely different cookie books. mmmmm.