Jun 12, 2009 17:42
and for that matter, the "object at rest" part of inertia.
trying to drag a cart full of sheep crap in absolutely saturated soil is nearly impossible.
ok. now that i've had a chance to catch my breath and re-hydrate, it's time to move the poop-filled chicken bedding that's inside their house to their absolutely disgusting over-saturated yard. it'd be nice if there was a people-sized doorway between the two to make this a little easier instead of having to put it on a cart and move it 10 feet and then unload the cart. (and then it's feeding time.)
and here i was planning on travelling to willow grove to pick up some raw chocolate bars that nature's harvest is oh-so-kindly donating to tomorrow's podcast recording. but i highly doubt i'd be able to do the chicken house, all the feeding and shower and then drive over to willow grove by 8 pm. i guess i'll just have to go up before the recording tomorrow. (ohgod, we're going to be late again, i can just see it now.)
next on the agenda is to find a participant who lives/works/plays and or travels through willow grove, so they can be our "nature's harvest contact" guh. i am not looking forward to going 2 hours out of the way for a few chocolate bars. why did i ever get myself into this mess? (at least they sell sheese. gonna get mahself some o'dat. OHYEAH!)