2 nights ago we recieved big boxes from cooking.com. more wedding presents! we open them up, and what do i see before my eyes but a big box that says
presto 23 qt pressure canner !!! i open that box the next morning and i remove the cooker itself. holy macaroni! i can make chili for a party in that thing! and i can finally make homemade veggie stock! and get this!!! scott and i use alot of canned beans and i feel so bad about that, not to mention, buying individual cans of beans can get really expensive. so... since we're more spur of the moment cooks, we can still use canned beans, but i can can them myself! how cool is that? i just have to cook up a giant pot of soaked dehydrated beans and then can them, and then i don't have to worry about waste and expense.
and i can't wait til the growing season. i'll can what i grow and we'll also buy a whole crapload of local produce while it's in season and can that. wheeee!!!!!
now i'm off to order myself a
ball blue book.