Feb 18, 2004 23:57
last cigarette: never
last kiss: uhh...this is sad. it was yesterday, but it makes me miss my boyfriend.
last good cry: monday, i think. i was really, really upset. it wasn't a good, therapeutic cry...it was an "i'm upset and miserable" cry.
last library book checked out: i don't remember. maybe a harry potter book over the summer??
last movie seen: 50 First Dates
last book read: China Boy for class and my human comm textbook :(
last cuss word uttered: holy shit!
last beverage drank: pepsi
last food consumed: pizza rolls for dinner
last crush: chris ;)
last phone call: i tried to call chris before my sisterhood tonight, but he wasn't home yet.
last tv show watched: i watched Price is Right this morning, and I kind of watched Will and Grace when I did homework tonight.
last time showered: this morning.
last shoes worn: black dress shoes
last cd played: whatever's in my car? i think it might just be "the gold album...aka the callie chill cd"
last item bought: don't remember...maybe a water from the vending machine last night?
last annoyance: not talking to chris tonight.
last disappointment: missing chris's phone call by five minutes
last soda drank: pepsi...right now!
last thing written: a paper on aristotle's theory of rhetoric and applying it to a speech...stupid human comm bullshit.
last key used: key card to get into my dorm, or the key to my car--whichever you prefer.
last word spoken: hahaha! [laughter]
last sleep: last night.
last im: kristina, about our comm assignment
last weird encounter: don't know.
last ice cream eaten: hmm...a long time ago!! i haven't had ice cream in forever. i want some now!
last time amused: at the sophomore sisterhood we were playing the "would you rather" game, where someone would say, "would you rather this...or this?" and everyone yells out their opinion...it's so funny.
last time in love: now now now!
last time hugged: tonight at some point...i think brittany maybe?
last time scolded: don't know.
last time resentful: i resent the fact that i don't have enough time to do what i want to do.
last chair sat in: desk chair at computer...more comfy than last year's.
last lipstick: aura science lip gloss.
last underwear worn: they're green. :)
last bra worn: this one.
last shirt worn: wearing my tie-dyed ESPANA 2001 t-shirt that says "calliecita" on the back.
last time dancing: in class last thursday, lol!!!! we did a skit and i did this funky, horrible dance and it was hilarious. everyone was dying.
last show attended: the nutcracker, i think?
last webpage visited: this one.
1 MINUTE AGO: i was talking to danielle about her project.
1 HOUR AGO: i was finishing my paper.
1 DAY AGO: i was either being lazy or sleeping? i don't remember.
1 WEEK AGO: i was sleeping, i think. but i may have been reading for class.
1 YEAR AGO: i was more than likely working on western civ homework with sarah hull.
I HURT: myself a lot!! i'm always getting a paper cut or a random bruise.
I LOVE: chris, my friends, sleep, free time.
I HATE: the new york yankees.
I FEAR: being alone, losing people i love, not being successful, not being happy, being poor.
I HOPE: for happiness, success, and that this quarter will hurry up and get over with. i also hope that i have fun in florida and don't seem like a bitch because we're staying with britt's family members and they're going to be cooking for us, and i am such a picky eater.
I FEEL: sleepy.
I HIDE: and go seek. :)
I DRIVE: kiki [my car]! she's a blue 91 civic lx and i <3 her.
I MISS: last year at scott hall when my friends and i were really close. last quarter when i wasn't as stressed.
I LEARNED: all the words to "we didn't start the fire" the summer before i came to otterbein, and i drove chris crazy listening to it alllll the time in the car. :D
I NEED: some quality time with my boyfriend and my friends. separately. :)
I THINK: way too much and i am way oversensitive.
current mood: sleepy, hopeful.
current music: fans and danielle and i both typing.
current taste: pepsi.
current hair: down and straight...i've decided that i don't like this haircut and i'm sick of it.
current annoyance: my hair.
current smell: nothing, really.
current thing i should be doing: going to bed. :)
current desktop picture: one of chris's senior pictures. ow ow!
current refreshment: pepsi.
current worry: too many to just name one.