last night of winter break!

Jan 04, 2004 01:03

Well, I just wrote an entire entry about what a great time I had with Chris tonight, but stupid LJ deleted the whole thing!!! And now I'm tired and don't want to rewrite it all. So I will do a stupid little summary list...I'm mad at this stupid computer!!! :P

1. Tonight, I made Chris come over to my house so my parents could give him the Christmas present they still had for him. It was really nice to see him talking with my parents and I think he really liked his suede gloves they got him, too. Shit, I didn't get anything suede this year...but I did get a printer-copier-scanner-mabob so I can't complain.

2. Then we went over to his wrestling coach's house and I got to meet his wife, Carolyn, for the first time. We ordered pizza and hung out and talked for a while. Then Chris and Coach Grant went to go get American Wedding, which Coach bought earlier today and forgot at the store. Carolyn and I sat around and talked while they were gone, and she said that Chris was really lucky to have someone like me in his life. And I thought, "Damn straight. I am super-supportive-wonderful-girlfriend-of-the-year!" But in reality, I'm really glad to have someone like him, too.

3. They got back with the movie, popcorn and chocolate pie! :) We watched the movie and then went home.

4. Tonight, Coach Grant and Carolyn kept saying stuff like, "Oh, you'll understand when you buy a house," and for the first time in forever, that didn't completely freak me out. The future scares me a lot, because it's so indefinite. But I've learned that growing up is inevitable, so I might as well deal with it.

5. I love my boyfriend.

6. I move back into Hanby tomorrow and classes start on Monday. Here's my schedule [the bold part is a goal I've recently set]:

MW: Wake up at 10:00! Work out for an hour at the Clement Center! Then have Spanish Conversation and Composition from 12:30-2:00. Work from 2:00-3:00.

TR: Wake up at 9:00! Philosophy and Human Nature [eek] from 10-12:00; Intro to Human Communication [double eek] from 12-2:00. Then nothing, but these are the hardest classes I'll be taking.

F: Sleep in as a reward if I actually do work out on Monday and Wednesday. Get up at 11-11:30 and get ready for Spanish class. :)
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