I'm soooooooooooooooo bored!

May 16, 2002 10:59

BACK AGAIN!!!!!!!! this whole study leave thing is sssssoooooooooooooooooo boring ....... and I'm really hungry and i'm poor and oh my god! but not to worry its pay day tomorrow wahooh! and then i can buy food or well drink really ... heehee ,,,,,, its quite cool having a party cos my dad bought loads of booze and so i get to drink the reamins after the party ... lets just say i've had a very relaxed week :)
So I'm still bored and I still can't think of anything interesting to wqrite
chances are that no one is reading these entries anyway and then one day some weirdo willcome along who doesn't know me and think that i'm really boring. MAybe I should start making tihngs up???What do you think?
Here goes....

I was awoken this morning by a loud drilling sound ..... I opened my eyes only to find that a large chunk had been removed from my bedroom wall ....... it was a shock to find an ugly builder peering in the side of my room and have the cheek to ask for a cup of tea.
Obviously I figured it rude not to oblige so I madem y way downstairs only to find the licing room filled with flowers which I can only expect were from my sisters lovely long term bloke ..... so i continued through to the kitchen which the builders had moved outside ...... and proceeded to make the tea. I had a nice chat with the neighbours and went back inside to find my mother so as to enquire what was going on.
Searched for her and asked .... she replied 'spring cleaning' ... never argue if your mums says she's spring cleaning .... chances are she'll ask you to help ...... so I've been making tea all day for the builders who rudely woke me up! padding around in my pajamas ... until now when I'm sat in the garden writing my live journal for you all to read ...... if anyone is reading it?????? How do you tell?


Ok so I'm still bored but this whole hunger thing is getting at my stomach now ....... so i'll go.

Yeah going *waves




k really going

*falls over

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