lets have elektrosex.x.x

Oct 04, 2008 13:08

Fabby Fatty Food Friday.

After a very pantastik week of going, " Cory! Cory! Cory! Guess what! I eat whatever I wanna eat but never gain weight! Wah sibeh happy hxcore yeo."

bread and butter pudding ( nt ourz neh take zhao pian )

I gain3d _|_ing weight (0.5kg know) cause of the fabby fatty bread and butter pudding corwee and i made. Obviously knowing the greediness of Ah Bra I ate like fuxorz and know I look like fuxorz.

My dieting sux @s bad @s my Social Studiez.

Both ken (and barbie) kiss my banana dick _|_ thanx

Other nice nice food we ate was tau sar pao & frolick

(insert picture of tau sar pao)

(insert picture of frolick)

I should not have jinxed myself now I look like obese hippo. Like looking like a hippo was not bad enough.

I am as brave as lion, I tell you my weight. Do not laugh @ me or I will stuff fabby fatty food into yr mouth and make you fat then I laugh @ you. Then you shove fabby fatty food then i shove back. Ah, vicious cycle.

It would JAZZ go on and on and on and on and on

(thousand yearz l8torz)

on and on and on and on like South Park would say,


(fat boi is the r3d von) ^^v help u if u cannot see

Tsktsk we also camwhored a little bit because because because because because playing D R E S S U P iz fun...

hi FIVE random things I (LOVED) about today

1) skipping assembly 2 stvdy

2) laughing at mrs fam being so holy she is xtreme holiness scares the shit out of me too much is not cool like wna fake holy but CMI.

3) Not being able to talk engris properly eg. category pronouced by ambra categertory ( i rox @ speaking engrish )

4) Eating whutever i loiked

5) taking pikchaz and spending time w beztiepwen

Awwwwww & guess what fave gerlz did yesterday instead of studying...



(stix out thumb)



God make me toxic thin + skinny like ...

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