Jan 06, 2010 01:19
Saying hi to everyone in the new year! Hope all is well and everyone has a good 2010 ^_^
Thanks to everyone who sent me a card or email *hugs* (Peggy Luv you hope you are well and thanks for always thinking of me)
(Angellily, love all your mail, it keeps me alive. Hope things are starting off great!) (Lisa, I owe you so much and I know I have been a horrible friend... so sorry! Love you bunches) and to anyone else I may have overlooked. Happiness all around lol
small note to angellily... I lost my old photobucket acount and with that all my photos and such. So if it's not to much to ask do you still happen to have the "superboyclex thank you!" graphic you made me of Jensen in the towel? PLEASE say you do cause mine got killed by photobucket *cries*