[ Action/Video 1 - Cherrygrove PokeCenter; Late Morning - Mid-Afternoon ]
[ aka; the most fanserviced filled post in the entire event!
But hello! You're on the pokegear now aren't you? Well, enjoy this little glimmer in a despair filled even. There is one sexy nurse!Rangiku. Wearing all white that goes her upper thighs and nurse boots that definitely
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Since he had no Antidote, he endured it for as long as he could and continued to help around the town alongside his pokemon. When he finally fainted, his Gyarados, Lien-Hua, brought him to the Center. He's awfully groggy when he wakes up and he doesn't notice Rangiku at first, just the white ceiling.]
D-Damn it, aru... I could have gone on a little longer.
[ Rangiku is curious. She'll just hold up the meals on a tray for him if he wants them ]
Some stranger brought you in saying they found you unconscious. You're all right now!
[China would have probably chosen the pizza over the other stuff, despite the non-Asian touches, save for the octopus. However, his head is spinning and his stomach isn't doing well thanks to the dying poison. He won't be able to hold anything down in his current state.]
[He smiles a little.]
How kind of them, I'll have to thank him or her if I learn of their name. Ah, and of course I have to thank you too, miss, for taking care of me, aru. [He bows his head, but only a little because his neck is still sore.]
[ She understands completely. She just keeps the food on the tray for the next patient ]
It's no problem! As much as I hate working, I just can't let people get hurt. That wouldn't be too good. And at least I just make sure to command a Chansey, and take the basic vital signs. Though, with all of the explosions, they seem a bit unnecessary. I was originally going to just track admissions but with this state of disarray they needed more people
[ She sighs, and, yeah, she notices that and will be bending over to get an ice pack. Because, you know, she's sort of sucking at first aid. ]
Still, I wonder how long that madman had been planning for this.
[Because there were so many bug pokemon EVERYWHERE.]
[ She considers the second part before speaking ]
To breed and organize an attack with signals requires months of planning. He's crazy and should be taken out immediately.
[He nods in agreement.]
Yes, but he's all the way in Goldenrod. I know because he made another public broadcast through the gear, to show off what he stole from the Department Store. So not only is he mad, but he's cocky too, aru.
[ yep time to nod with him. nodding like bobbleheads. ]
I hope I cross paths with him some day, I'll really teach him a lesson. Arrogance and rage.... [ sigh. sounds like your average annoying-man espada who never shuts up
so much hate ]
[His brown eyes darken a little.]
I'd also like to give him a peace of my mind, aru. I'm hoping that my friends in Goldenrod managed to get him without getting too injured.
[ She notices that darkness but does nothing to indicate so. She won't need this information here. Her eyes don't change but she slowly lulls into a tired gaze ]
How about we team up together when the time comes. Perhaps you'd like to spar? When you get better, that is!
[He perks up a little.]
Sure! It's been awhile since I've had a decent spar, aru. I've only been able to break logs or punch the air for the most part here.
[ As if she cares. She has basic knowledge of the Chinese Military, I'd think. She'd probably wouldn't mind it either if stories collided. ]
Hm. I haven't been able to sword fight but I guess I'm still pretty well off in hand to hand. We should definitely try to fight sometime! I'll be looking forward to it!
I haven't had a sword in my hand for awhile either, but hand-to-hand suits me better, aru. Same here! I just hope the poison didn't do too much damage.
[Because here he couldn't just heal quickly like back home.]
Normally, where I'm from, there are 4 types of combat: Zangetsu, sword to sword combat, Kidou, using spells, Hakuda, hand to hand, and Hoho which is just moving around at high speeds. I guess I'd be good at Zangetsu, then Kidou, then Hakuda then Hoho. But I'm not particularly bad at any. Just average at the last two, but it's above average for most people, you know?
The poison shouldn't do that much damage though, you have nothing to fear about that. Another one came in here nearly purple but he's fine and gone now.
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