Oct 14, 2003 17:05
I’m battling with this fucking application to get my little family unit into Australia in a few years time. This points system shit is extreme. 115 is the pass mark and I may or may not make it by the skin of my teeth. I have been in contact with the parasites on society’s ass who refer to themselves as “migration consultants”. I’m waiting to see what one of them will rip me to fill out a few forms before deciding on whether to use them or not. Before you snigger at my apparent tight-wadedness, (look ma! new word!!), bear in mind that most folk on the message boards that I have been reading are being charged upwards of 2,500 pounds. Yes folks, that’s Great British smackeroos! That’s a lot of fucking money! So now we wait and see but my gut feel is that I’m shy a few points and I may have to wait a few more years before going.
Here’s what pisses me off. I am highly skilled. I have lived and worked in 3 countries so far. I get on well with people and I’m quick to learn new skills. And yet, because I don’t have an IT related degree, I am somehow seen as inferior to any dipshit who has just walked himself out of IT college clutching his near worthless degree in his sweaty little hand. How the hell does that work?? I am run through the hoops because I dared to not study material which is dated the minute it hits circulation. I know this because during the course of my current B.Com I took a minor subject in IT. The text book referenced coax cable networks and topographies that have not been popular for years now, and yet this is the shit that I would have to regurgitate in an examination environment!? If I give the ‘correct’ answer, I would be marked wrong. Maybe programming languages are better to study as they don’t change quite so quickly, although the demand for the eventual programmers fluctuates wildly. Fuck that. I wasn’t born under a rock. I’ll do something else then to get in.
Also, judging by some of the entries on the aforementioned notice boards, it seems that Oz is not all that it is cracked up to be. For a start, they seem to be a nation of cat haters, which in my view makes them assholes. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they also have things there called ‘hoons’, (yes…watch the South Africans perk up. I said HOONS!! With an H!!). A hoon is basically a hooligan. Hoons, it appears from first hand accounts, take pleasure in doing donuts on people’s lawns with their Holdens, (some sort of a car apparently), or with their boats, (no we’re not talking about people’s lawns anymore. Obviously in the sea)!! What the fuck is that all about?? They also appear to have a predilection for pushing over people’s walls. And this is the country I’m being run around the bush to get into?? I’ll go to the States if these bitches aren’t careful. Its amazing how fucking dumb some countries can be about immigrants. The US, despite all its problems, seems to be the ONLY one to have gotten it right so far!!