your perfect social justice syllabus

Jan 26, 2010 13:44

ok feminist friendly friends. i am seeking your input. here's the story:

part of one of my new jobs this semester is working to help set up a class syllabus and curriculum for a class that will be taught here next fall. i believe they are framing it as a women's leadership class, but they will be examining feminism and social justice movements with a focus on the following concepts: women's suffrage/feminism (all kinds), civil rights, lgbtqi issues, child care, disability, and immigration.

i have decided to use two required texts so far that i think are helpful in expounding upon a lot of these issues and/or framing the understanding of concepts of oppression and movements for social justice. the first book is Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: An Anthology on Racism, Antisemitism, Sexism, Heterosexism, Ableism, and Classism. the table of contents is here and looks pretty promising.

the second text will be bell hooks' feminism is for everybody.

between these two texts, there is a lot of great information, including essays that i wrote down while going through my own gender studies/interdisciplinary studies books and materials. i am recommending more essays that are not in the textbooks (such as audre lorde's the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house, peggy mcintosh's unpacking the invisible knapsack, and more). however, there are certainly holes that need to be filled, especially as far as i'm concerned with respect to immigration.

while i am making use of the extensive library of the women's resource center here, going over other texts that have relevant essays and material, using the library's databases, and i have an ongoing list of added articles that i think should be considered, i want to know:

what do you folks, as social justice oriented people, think should also be included?

this could be a book, article, concept, etc. more information about the class: it will be an honor's level course, no more than 15 students, some may be completely new to these concepts.

i want to know what you consider indispensable and essential in your education (self or otherwise) of these issues and concepts?

the person who has asked me to compile this information has said she wanted me to sort of tease out some of the "stars" of these movements, but i don't feel right about that. i want the readings to reflect the ideas of collectivism, dissent within dissident groups, diverging opinions and stances, and overall inclusion of everyone in these fights. i'm recommending putting a lot of emphasis on intersectionality and the concepts of interlocking and overlapping oppressions.

i'm not asking you all to do my work for me, believe me, i'm quite enmeshed in this process for more than 10 hours every week, however, i turn to you as people who could offer something i haven't thought of or don't know about. please let me know your ideas, opinions, resources, preferences, etc.

please and thanks.

ableism, social justice, immigration, race, children, gender, lgbtqi, syllabus, class, help

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