May 01, 2007 11:36
my latest letter to support NC House Bill 879:
Dear Representative so & so,
I support House Bill 879, "Modify School Health Education Program."
As the recent longitudinal study funded by the Bush administration has
demonstrated, abstinence only education is not working. Not only is it
ineffective, students who make the choice to become sexually active are
not being taught the tools they need in order to protect themselves
against disease or pregnancy.
Please support factual, medically accurate sex education in our schools.
This includes information concerning HIV/AIDS, perhaps the gravest
danger to young, unprepared sexually active teens; contraception, a
practical solution that has been practiced for thousands of years by
many cultures and peoples; and information on preventing sexual assault
and rape, including teaching young men about consent issues and the role
that alcohol so often plays in these traumas. Doesn't it make sense to
protect the health of the future leaders of this country?
Stop the Administration from wasting millions more of our tax dollars on
a program that is not working and does not protect the health concerns
of this country's youth.
Courtney so & so
i wrote the whole thing myself and emailed it through NARAL pro-choice america's choice action network, who sent it to a large number of representatives from my area. they have suggested text, but i scrapped all that and decided to write from my own brain instead.
i've even gotten a reply from a rep who is co-sponsoring this bill. sweet times.
you should go do it if you live in NC. also, many other states are drafting up similar bills.
reproductive rights,
medically accurate information,
sex education