The feline sixth sense

Nov 20, 2021 14:03

Today I did a spot paint to my kitchen counters, due to dings and stains. I shut the door for a time, then when there were no cats in sight and the paint had mostly dried, I left it open a crack. "What are the chances of all the spots they'd pick, it'd be the one spot with tacky paint?" I thought.

Cue Ms. John. who, yep! Sat her sweet keister right. on. the. tacky. paint.

The other thing I have done today is apply a fresh coat of polish to the hardwoods in the main room. They see a lot of wear and tear due primarily to dog nails. Try as I might I cannot get W's nails to a decent length! He goes every other week for a trim, yet the quick remains long, therefore so do his nails. Anyway, the floors. Again, nary a cat in sight. The actual SECOND I put down a coat and turn my back for another second - Ms. John strolls across the floor and sits casually.


I don't care about the prints so much, as the potential toxins she'll ingest when cleaning her paws.

Speaking of toxins, W has vomited thrice today. Why? Because the numbskull ate a plastic lid the cats must have knocked onto the floor. Now he sits here looking for me to give him popcorn. Fat chance, boyo!

What a world.

In other news, got my holiday cards in the mail today! They are very cute. Scroll down a couple of posts and leave your name/address in the comment-locked post if you'd like one mailed to you in December.

holiday cards

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