yet an other lame icon

May 28, 2008 22:17

i need a mac...

can you blow a bubble? With bubble stuff
can you dance? Somewhat. Not well enough to earn Shanna's love
can you do a cart wheel? no
can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? i wish
can you touch your toes? Yup
can you whistle? Of course
can you wiggle your ears? nope
can you wiggle your nose? i can speak bunny

did you ever get into a fist fight in school? yeah right!! HA!
did you ever want to be a doctor? Im gonna say, no
did you ever want to be a fire fighter? No

do you know how to swim? indeed
do you like roller coasters? YES
do you have a bike? Yeah

does hair loss run through your family? No, some, but not the side i take after, woo woot!!
does your car get good gas mileage? I don't drive, and i have a broken van that only drives in reverse, does it really matter?
does your family have family picnics? no

have you ever been on a plane? Yeah
have you ever asked someone out? not really, i usually make her make the move, perhaps i should man up a little
have you ever been asked out by someone? Yeah
have you ever been to the ocean? Yeah
have you ever gone fishing? Yeah, YUCK!!
have you ever painted your nails? yes,lol

how tall are you? 6 foot betch
how much money do you have on you right now? zerooooo!!! unlike my best friend, im not jewish.

last person(s) you hung out with? ELPHIE!!
last thing you said out loud? ive been singing along with into the woods
last thing someone said to you? i dont remember, im currently drowning hapily in a sea of showtunes :)

what is the temperature outside? cold, like shannas heart.
what radio station do you listen to? ipod, who needs radio? mainstream music sucks!!
what was the last restaurant you ate at? i had a blizzard from DQ last night...
what was the last thing you bought? lunch?
what was the last thing you had to drink? Water
what was the last thing on TV you watched? house hunters

who was the last person you IM'ed? prolly kyle
who was the last person you talked to on the phone? katie
who is your current crush? katey... not as seen above
who was the last person you took a picture of? myself
who was the last person you said 'i love you' to? My mom/dad

ever really cried your heart out? Yess
ever cried yourself to sleep? Yeah
ever cried on your friend's shoulder? Yeah
ever cried over the opposite sex? nope... im always the one who ends the relationship
do you cry when you get an injury? not unless its BAD and i have a panic attack
do certain songs make you cry? sometimes

are you a happy person? I try to be
what can make you happy? Friends, things, music, attention
do you wish you were happier? I tend to be happy mostly, so no. I wish I were happier at night.
can music make you happy? Yeah

how many times have you had your heart broken? never
have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them? yes
has anyone besides your friends and family ever said "i love you" to you? Yeah

do you actually hate anyone? unfortunately, yes
ever made a hit list? Yeah. haha
have you ever been on a hit list? I hope not.
are you a mean bully? not a bully just really catty behind peoples backs, especially with elphie

is your self-esteem extremely low? Most of the time. Im an actor, were attention whores, im verry confident, just dont like myself much
do you believe in yourself? i suppose
do you ever wish you could be someone else? yes, a lot.

what is your current hair color? Brown
current piercings? none
have any tattoos? No
straight hair or curly? wavy, but I straighten it

what shirt are you wearing? To Write Love On Her Arms
shorts? No skinny jeans
shoes? None
necklace? No

rock or rap: Rock
coffee or hot cocoa: Both
wild night out or romantic wild night out: put 'em together, and you've got my life lol
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
hummer or sports car: Sports car
bracelet or necklace? Bracelet
history or science: History
sleep in or early to rise: Sleep in
beach or boardwalk: Boardwalk
hoodie or tee shirt: Hoodie
night or day: Night
high school or college: College
simple plan or good charlotte: Simple Plan

kissed the same sex? no
hugged someone? Who hasn't?
been on the phone until the sun came up? computer, not enough minutes
laughed so hard you peed in your pants? No
laughed so hard you cried? yeah
got in a fight with someone? verbally.

person you talked to in person? Mom
person you talked to online? BriMi
person you talked to on the phone? Katie
time you had a shower? this morning

do you like surveys? Mostly
what kind of shampoo do you use? Bed head
do you get along with your parents? i suppose, me and dad do, but me and mom just fight
do you have mental breakdowns? a few, very rarely
did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school? Yup, totes.

current mood: Sleepy but pleased
current music: Into the woods
current hair style: Emo dyke- thats right elphie, same as you :)
current crush: Katey
current windows open: itunes, internet explorer
current desktop picture: :D pikachu
current boy/girl: I don't have one, i need a gf

survey, goodnight

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