Jan 17, 2008 17:03
I have plague. I woke up yesterday morning feeling like pooh-pooh. I went to teach my class and tried to take it easy all day before going to see a screening at dook. i had a really great time, but that had more to do with the company and the film than my physical well-being. by the time I made it home around 10, my head was pounding. Every time I swallowed I felt like someone was stabbing my ears and throat and head, and all my muscles were achy. I tried to sleep, but the pain was too much so I simply dozed until I would have to swallow. I tried to not drink anything hoping that I would get dehydrated and not produce any saliva, but that turned out to be a pretty crappy idea as I still had to swallow and my throat was raw and parched. I got out of bed at 7 and emailed my professor to tell her that I wouldn't be making it to class today. Then I threw on a sweater and went to student health in the hopes that I would be able to get an early appointment if I showed up when they opened. I got in and got an appointment at 8:15 with a doctor who was very nice, even if he did take a few minutes to actually meet my gaze. I told him how I was feeling and he said "well, it is the season" and I told him that I knew, but this was particularly painful. He said that the iritation didn't look particularly bad but that my glands were swollen, which could very well mean that I had mono. I told him that that would suck, and he said that he was going to do a strep test and then sent me down the hall to get some blood taken for the mono test. The nurse who took me back to draw blood, gave me a slightly sarcastic look, and said "you really want me to draw blood before I've had my morning coffee?" I told her I would be glad to wait a few minutes. She laughed and said that she could do it in her sleep. I imagined her lying next to a significant other who would be rudely awakened by a sharp but meticulous prick in the middle of the night. by the time they turned over, the nurse would be putting their blood sample in a plastic bag and rolling over to the other side of the bed. I found this oddly comforting. After she had taken my blood I went back to the waiting room where I tried to read but my head was still all fuzzy. about 20 minutes later the doctor waved for me to come see him. I walked to him and he beckoned me into a private room. I was beginning to wonder if maybe I did have mono. He informed me, however, that both tests came back negative. He then said that jsut because the mono test was negative, though, sometimes it could turn up negative when it was actually positive, and that if I was still feeling like pooh-pooh in a week, I should give him a call. Then he told me that he once was in a study because he had had mono. turns out 80% of people over the age of 30 have at some point had mono, but that only 15-20% actually knew that they had it. I was getting the distinct feeling that he wanted me to have mono. He gave me his card and said to call if the irritation persists. I didn't get any meds so I just went to the store and bought some dayquil and nyquil. I also bought some chicken soup, eggs, milk, hot chocolate mix and some cookies. If I was going to be sick, I might at least have some tastiness. I spent most of the day watching sportscenter and then took a break to watch me and you and everyone we know, which is a super awesome movie. then I took a shower which made me feel better for a bit, and by a bit I mean 10 minutes. now I'm back to feeling like crap. oh, and all mu muscles hurt. a lot. I think I might go watch another movie. I can't concentrate on words anymore.