On Wasting Your Parents' Money Just So You Can Fuck Around (That's You, Shit for Brains)

Feb 05, 2005 12:50

EvilMuffinKnight: it disgusts me how reckless people get... my friend myles had to take care of half the entire second floor because they all were fucked up, and he was really mad about it
EvilMuffinKnight: I would be pissed too
EvilMuffinKnight: I just dont understand how people could find life so dull that they have to resort to this crap
EvilMuffinKnight: It's sad, but some people go to college simply to do this... they dont give a fuck about anything else, their parents are throwing away 10 grand just so they can fuck around, its disgusting
Crippled Playtoy: i know
EvilMuffinKnight: I was talking with some kid who moved in recently this semester and he was just all like "Well this school had better have some good frat parties otherwise I dont think I'd go, huh huh..." Hey dumbass, you go to school to GO TO SCHOOL
EvilMuffinKnight: sorry I'm ranting like this
Crippled Playtoy: its ok
Crippled Playtoy: i wish i could relate more
EvilMuffinKnight: it really makes me nervous, the thought of someone truly good, like yourself, living in the dorms and getting caught up in all sorts of stupid shit like this
Crippled Playtoy: yeah
Crippled Playtoy: im not that stupid
Crippled Playtoy: i would only party if all of my work is done
Crippled Playtoy: plus ill probably be working to pay of my student loan
EvilMuffinKnight: yeah, well... there you go... you know your responsibilities, and I know you would take care of them
EvilMuffinKnight: thats very mature of you
Crippled Playtoy: thanks
EvilMuffinKnight: A good rule to follow is probably if someone looks or seems the least bit sketchy it's probably best not to hang around that person
EvilMuffinKnight: its really easy to tell, especially if its a guy
Crippled Playtoy: yeah
Crippled Playtoy: nless chloroform isa involed....its a very small chance ill fuck a guy
EvilMuffinKnight: I would beat his ass and never stop until he was dead
EvilMuffinKnight: doing something like that makes you lower than garbage
Crippled Playtoy: id just cut off his penis...
Crippled Playtoy: and put it in the microwave...
Crippled Playtoy: like that movie where the dog was in the mic.....but worse
EvilMuffinKnight: o.O remind me to never ever ever mess with you
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