End of the Year Fanworks Meme: 2017

Dec 31, 2017 01:55

Stats: Podfic (55 stories, ~20 hours worth of footage recorded overall), 2, well 3 fics

I recorded significantly less podfic this year. Partly because there was no amplificathon to encourage podfic production and also because a lot of my energy this year went into writing rather than recording.

I focused a lot more on writing this year than I ever have before. Y'all...I wrote 31+k words this year. o_O That's...so much for me.

Most popular?

Fic: Definitely someone ought to corrupt you on the dance floor. I mean, it's hard to argue against 15k of slow burn smut. :P

By hits and kudos, my most popular works were multivoice podfic projects that other people organized or pod-together projects. In terms of stuff I recorded outside of collaborations, Wash Me was my most popular by hits. I'm kind of delighted by this stat--awww yisssss threesome femslash smut! By kudos, my most popular work was...The Good Place Is Wherever I'm With You. HUH. I did NOT expect that! Thanks, The Good place fandom!! :D

Most underappreciated?

HMMM. I mean, I'm mostly podficcing in smaller fandoms now, so my hits/kudos stats this year are VERY different from previous years. That being said, I'm surprised by the feedback ratio on you'll never know unless we go. Of my Critical Role podfic, it's 2nd for hits, but it's only got 3 kudos and 1 comment, which puts it 2nd from the bottom in terms of kudos.

All of the CR fic I wrote got pretty good receptions! That being said, when we released the second chapter of The Lost City, we didn't get more than I think 2 comments for like, the first week, which was very disheartening at the time, especially since the first chapter got such a reception!

Personal favorite, for whatever reason?

Definitely Colonel Sportacus Champitor Crimson the Second. It was just SO MUCH FUN playing these ridiculous characters. Also my live performance of Drunk Historians Through the Centuries, because listening to it and everyone's reactions makes me smile SO DAMN MUCH. :D :D

Most difficult to make?

Oh, gosh. It's a tie between Choose Your Own Inquisitor, Six-Thirty Sharp, and Greatly Approved--all for different reasons. I worked on the sound effects for CYOI and it was just....SO MUCH WORK. There were SO MANY EFFECTS. The dragon fight sound effects were mostly happy timing coincidence, but I had to build that bear fight and oh geez. x_X (SOMEONE PLEASE VALIDATE ME RE: MY WORK ON THAT PODFIC.) S-TS was mostly a lot of work in trying to pace everything appropriately. It took me 8 hours. I COUNTED. For pacing! And GA was a solid week's worth of editing hell, putting together 9 performances for a 32k fic. SOB.

Most "ah ha ha I can't believe I'm doing this"?

Me, the ENTIRE TIME I was writing the CR college AU fic. I've NEVER written anything that long before. EVER. And it was SUPPOSED to be a short PWP, MAYBE 2-3k and it just KEPT ON GROWING.

Most fun to make?

In terms of performance, definitely Colonel Sportacus. But I also really loved making Rare as a Unicorn because everyone's performances were so fun and because the music choice filled me with glee. I was definitely cackling as I edited the music in. :P

Was there one that didn't turn out the way you wanted?

....not that I can think of. I was pretty happy with what I produced this year.

Biggest learning experience?

Definitely writing the college AU. Like I said, I've never written anything that long ever. And not only was it long in terms of wordcount, but it also took me a solid two months to write. So it was an eye-opening experience in that I learned that I am, in fact, capable of sticking with a writing project for an extended period of time. It was also proof that I'm not very good with multitasking, bc all other writing projects and podfic projects fell off during that time.

What's next?

I know I keep saying this, but I PROMISE I'M WORKING ON Demons, Desires, and Dark Sides. And I owe luxheroica the next chapter of The Lost City (aka the Mummy AU).

In terms of podfic stuff, next on the to-do list are the auction podfics I owe people.


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