#ITPE 2016 letter

Oct 10, 2016 13:12

Dear podficcer,

I am super excited to hear whatever you have in store for me! #ITPE is my favorite time of the yeeeeeeear :D

Things I Like: TROPES AND AUS. AWESOME LADIES. POC CHARACTERS. TEAM/FAMILY HIJINKS AND FEELS. OT3s AND MORESOMES ARE A-OKAY. GEN/HET (My slash ships are few and far between). I am here for the happy and the humor and the fluff. I mean, I am okay with angst and will forgive you for the critical hits to THE FEEEELS as long as it's balanced out with levity and has a happy ending.

Things I Don't Like: I am not into character death, dub/non-con/rape, explicit violence, ZOMBIES CAN'T DO EM NOPE NOPE NOPE, dystopias, post-apocalyptic AUs, A/B/O, slave fic, infidelity.

Tropes/AUs I am into: Honestly, as long as the tropes/AUs don't fall into any of my DNW categories, you're pretty much good to go. College/High School AUs! My weakness. Coffee shop AUs! SPACE AUs! Regency AUs (omgggggg Regency AUs)! Characters in a different profession AUs! Genderswap/Rule 63/Spectrum slide (choose your favorite term)! Hella into piiiiiining (with eventual resolved sexual tension), failboats in love, undercover dating/married, secret dating/married, kidfic/deaging yes do want, forced to share the same bed, huddling for warmth, accidental baby acquisition, etc.


CRITICAL ROLE!!!!- I am deep in CR hell right now. It has consumed my life. kalakirya and I are the only ones producing podfic for it rn and that makes me so sad AND I NEED MORE. You will literally never go wrong with Percy/Vex. I am in shipping hell for these two and there is SO MUCH FIC to choose from with a bunch of blanket permission authors who have migrated over to this fandom. Aside from Percy/Vex, I also really like Vex/Jarett, Gilmore/Jarett, and Kima/Allura. I would also adore gen fic for this fandom because FOUND FAMILY FEELS. I adore Percy and Keyleth's friendship SO MUCH, so gen fic for them is especially appreciated.

Avengers (MCU)- I...am a little burned out on the MCU fandom, ngl, but I am totally willing to receive podfic for it if it makes matching easier. I LOVE GEN/TEAM FIC, especially if it involves ridiculous shenanigans. For shippy stuff, you will make me ridiculously happy if you podfic Helen/ANYONE (BUT ESP BUCKY, STEVE OR SAM), Steve/Natasha, Peggy/Steve, Sam/Maria, or Sam/Natasha because there just isn't enough love out there for them. I know I'm known for all my Darcy podfic, but I'm a little burned out on her in fandom, so as a main gift, maybe avoid it? But if you're here looking for treat ideas, I won't say no... :P

Zootopia- Listen. LISTEN. I am not proud but Nick/Judy is my OTP AND I SHIP THEM SO MUH-HUH-HUUUUUUCH AND IT'S ALL EXMANHATER'S FAULT. So Nick/Judy, please and thank you.

Fullmetal Alchemist- I have recently had a resurgence of fannish love for it. I'm specifically interested in Roy/Riza because OTPPPPPPP. I MISS THESE PINING CO-DEPENDENT BBS SO MUCH.

Pacific Rim- I will cry buckets and buckets if you podfic anything about Mako and Stacker being a family. I will cry even more buckets if you did anything Wei triplets-centric.

Brooklyn Nine Nine- I desperately need more podfic for this fandom. Jake/Amy is not my thing, and that seems to be the vast majority of the fic written for this fandom, but I am all about gen team shenanigans.

Elementary- Joan and Sherlock are my OTP. I am a-okay with stories involving them being platonic bffs, but if it's shippy you will own my soul forever. FICS ABOUT CLYDE WOULD BE LOVED AND PETTED AND CLUTCHED CLOSE TO MY HEART.

Ouran High School Host Club- a small fandom, I know, but I would love anything involving the Host Club being their RIDICULOUS OVER-DRAMATIC SELVES and having WACKY ADVENTURES. Also leaning more gen, rather than shippy with this fandom.

Georgette Heyer- this is a longshot, BUT I WOULD ABSOLUTELY DIE IF YOU PODFICCED ANY FIC BASED ON GEORGETTE HEYER STORIES. My favorite couples are Freddy/Kitty (Cotillion- MY #1 FAVES), Frederica/Alverstoke (Frederica), and Sophy/Charles (The Grand Sophy).

Tortall (Protector of the Small books specifically)- I am all about Keladry. KELADRYYYYYYYYY. KEL BEING AWESOME. KEL BONDING WITH ALANNA. KEL AND HER BOYS. KEL AND HER PEOPLE AT NEW HOPE. Gen is fantastic, but you should know I ship Kel/EVERYONE. I wrote a manifesto about her with fic recs here.

Rule 63/Always-a-Different-Sex Hockey RPF- I am into a very specific genre of Hockey RPF. I don't really care about stories about dudes, but make one of the hockey players a lady (make several of the hockey players ladies!) and make the conversation about fighting back against patriarchy and misogyny and blazing a trail into a male-dominated arena AND I AM THERE. I AM SO THERE. All I ask is that Patrick Kane (or Patricia Kane) not be the main character of the story (it's okay if he/she's got a bit part in the background of the fic).

I think that's about it. If you want more information about my tastes, my recs tag is a good thing to trawl through. :D And if you have any questions, feel free to comment anonymously. Also just looking through my works on AO3 will give you a pretty decent idea of what I like, since I podfic what I like. :P
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