End of the Year Fanworks Meme: 2015

Dec 31, 2015 21:07

Stats: Podfic (113 stories, ~45 hours worth of footage recorded overall), 1 fic

O_o So....I was pretty prolific this year in terms of podfic output. This year, I more than doubled the number of podfics I produced compared to the amount of podfics I produced in 2013 and 2014 COMBINED. I blame that on amplificathon,
podfic_bingo, and ITPE. This was also the year of COLLABS. SO MANY COLLABS!! YAY FOR MAKING PODFIC WITH FRAAAAAANDSSSS. :D :D :D

Most popular?

Fic: Well, I only wrote the one, but people were pretty appreciative. :P (WRITE ME MOAR HAYLEY/CHRIS, FANDOM)

It's always hard to judge "popularity" for podfics. By what metric? Hits? Kudos? Plus, my pod-together projects usually "win" in terms of hits AND kudos but it's hard to tell how much of that is for the podfic and how much was for the text. So outside of pod-together, my itty-bitty Disney Princesses podficlet Damsels and Damson Jam got the most hits O_O. IT'S 3 MINUTES. I don't understand! And in terms of kudos, the delightful Kelly, the Well-Meaning and Very Confused Barista was my most kudos'd.

Most underappreciated?

Well, a lot of my podfics in small fandoms don't get a lot of hits, for obvious reasons. I do feel a little sad about the Plastic Armor series, because it doesn't get a lot of attention. It's a FANTASTIC Toy Story/Avengers fusion which against all expectations, works SO well, and I'm really proud of the voice acting and special effects that went into it. I also get a little sad about Accidental Harmony which is an adorable little Kelly/Andy story. I realize The Office is kind of an old, dead fandom now, but I feel like I really got the characters' voices and my singing isn't entirely terrible.

Personal favorite, for whatever reason?

This is like asking me to pick my favorite child! D:

I'm really, really fond of A Love Story--I had a lot of fun channeling each study group member and I'm super delighted with the music choices for each "story."

I also really love Waited For It because it's a story that truly was meant to be experienced in an audio format and I'm super proud of how it came out.

A Cry Answered is the story of my HEART, and finally being able to get that podfic made the way I envisioned it was so satisfying.

Most difficult to make?

a joy as hard as sunlight for the complicated sound effects sequence which had me pulling at my hair. But I am UNBELIEVABLY proud of how it came out.

Also We'll Run Like We're Awesome because it is 9.5 HOURS LONG, GOOD LORD. I pulled off some truly amazing editing sleights-of-hand while making this beast though. Like, I genuinely impressed myself.

Most "ah ha ha I can't believe I'm doing this"?

Lucky, which was an extremely explicit Kirk/Spock podfic
jelazakazone made me record with her. I used to be an INCREDIBLE weenie about recording smut, and having to record with other people listening to me??? SO EMBARRASSING. A good amount of the raw footage of that was my embarrassed gigglefits. However, it did convince me that I needed to mount a campaign to record smutty podfics with the idea that increased exposure would make me less of a weenie. I think it worked....although....I think I might still be a little embarrassed about doing it in front of other people.

Most fun to make?

I love basically alllll the collabs I did with people this year. But I especially enjoyed Selfie With Granddad and For These I Watch Tonight for sheer amount of giggling while recording. (Honorable mention for this is for me, I deserve it for the truly excellent outtakes it produced).

Was there one that didn't turn out the way you wanted?

Even a Miracle Needs a Hand. I recorded it 3 years ago, and edited some of it, decided I HATED IT, and basically didn't look at it again until a few days ago. It's not...AS terrible as I remember it?? I ended up finishing it and releasing it so it wouldn't clutter my harddrive anymore, but it's definitely not the quality of podfic that I'm capable of making now.

Biggest learning experience?

That would still be "a joy as hard as sunlight" and also the "Plastic Armor" series, which were educations in incorporating sound effects.

What's next?

Some "The Martian" podfics, the rest of the Run 'verse one-shots, and the Darcy/Steve/Bucky 18k podfic I've been sitting on for...2 years now? /0\

In terms of writing, I'm working on a Helen/Steve fic. It's all outlined, just need to...y'know, actually write it >.>


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