Day 1: Snowflake Challenge, Self-Recs

Jan 06, 2015 18:20

Working my way backwards...

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

Ooooh. Well, I've talked about my favorite and most underappreciated fanworks here, but I've never talked about the fanworks that define me most.

I would say #1 is Culture and Other Balls of Twine [Podfic], because it captures everything about the kind of story I like to perform--the coming together of found family, shenanigans and hijinks, excellent character voices, banter, and it's really fucking funny, but it also has lovely moments of quiet and poignancy. I lived with this story for months, reading it over and over, and recording it several times. I mean, if I had horcruxes, this would probably be one of them, considering how much of myself and my energy I poured into it. :P This podfic is probably the performance I'm most proud of and getting to inhabit and portray all these characters was incredible fun.

#2 is Groundwater [Podfic]. It's a hilarious story, which I why I wanted to perform it, but I also wanted to make this podfic because I connected so much with Darcy's voice and internal monologue; if I were in the same situation, that is probably exactly how I would think or react. This performance gets the closest to the way I sound in real life.

Last but not least is Rule Number Nine [Podfic]. This is probably one of the most emotional works I've created. The story has such a beautiful Steve voice, and you get to follow him as he runs the entire emotional gamut from giddy euphoria to utter heartbreak and despair. I mean, reading this story for the first time was such an experience, because you feel so much for Steve, but actually performing it was...I mean, I got really emotional and choked up and my chest was literally aching. This is not the podfic that made me cry (that honor belongs to another podfic that I haven't yet finished editing), but I got very close.

snowflake challenge, meme

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