End of the Year Fanworks Meme: 2014

Jan 02, 2015 00:49

Stats: Podfic (26 stories, ~15 hours worth of footage recorded overall), 2 fics

Last year I had said that I wanted to start incorporating music and sound effects in my podfic AND OH BOY DID I EVER. This was also the year of pushing myself by participating in podfic challenges and collaborating with writers and other podficcers. This was also, inexplicably, the year of singing in podfic--oh god, so many people listened to my terrible singing, I am so sorry. But overall, I am really really proud of how much I've grown this year in terms of performance and editing.

Most popular?

Fic: Ha, well I only wrote two, so the most popular by far was my Carol/Rhodey crack fic where I turned Rhodey into an exotic bird.

In terms of podfic, my most popular far and away was the lewis rule. I got far more kudoses for my pod-together projects, but it's hard to say how many of them were for the podfic as opposed to the text.

Most underappreciated?

For a long time it was my podfic of and don't you dare be late, which basically languished in lack of kudos/feedback limbo for like a couple months and I was INCREDIBLY sad and worried b/c people were def downloading and streaming it but I was getting no feedback. I was convinced people hated it and didn't want to tell me, but since then it's picked up a few comments and kudos, so I'm feeling much better about it. I also wish more people were into Steve/Nat so that I Only Pretend To Know Everything could get a little more love.

Personal favorite, for whatever reason?

Ahh, I have a few for this one. First, all my B99 podfics (best documentary short and You Can Hear It In the Silence) because they were so. much. damn. fun.

This was also my first year doing pod-together, and each time I did it was so rewarding. I have a special place in my heart for Only By This Meeting (A New World is Born) that I made with ArwenLune because it was such a fantastic and fulfilling collaborative process. When Arwen got stuck on the story, I was able to make a few suggestions and pose a few questions that helped her figure out the direction of the story, and when I started having doubts about what I was doing with the podfic, she was able to make some really helpful suggestions from the viewpoint of also being a podficcer. And I'm super super proud of the podfic/story we made together.

Most difficult to make?

Ah hahhahahaa, Text Me, no question about it. Oh, past me was so naive and adorable. "Oh this would make a great ensemble project!" I thought to myself. "Oh it'll be a really great experience!" I thought to myself. And to be fair, the answer to both questions was "Yes, it was" but oh man, I was so unprepared for the amount of work it would take to organize and then edit this whole project, not to mention some last minute drama that no one could have predicted. BUT STILL. Again, very proud of how it turned out.

Most "ah ha ha I can't believe I'm doing this"?

Ten Thousandth Try because it was a podfic for a fandom I'M NOT EVEN IN (The Mindy Project). But I found the story via het-reccers and thought it was so charming that I felt compelled to make it.

Most fun to make?

Aside from the B99 podfics, I would have to say Portrait Of The Artist As A Robot because it was short, sweet, and I had a ton of fun trying to find the right sound effects to convey the bots' moods/emotions. Also, MARRY, FUCK, KILL because not only is the story hysterical as shit, performing it was so much fun and I got to play with sound effects again.

Was there one that didn't turn out the way you wanted?

Hmmm...I feel like I could've done better performance-wise with Everyone Wants to Be Her or Do Her, but people have had such lovely things to say about it, so maybe I'm being a little tough on myself.

Biggest learning experience?

Ah haha, "Text Me," for obvious reasons.

What's next?

Finish editing all my long projects. orz I have 3 podfics languishing for a 12K+, 17K+, and an 18k+ story.

Also, I need to get back on the writing wagon.

fic, meme, podfic

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