End of the Year Fanworks Meme 2013

Dec 31, 2013 20:41

So this year was the first year I actually produced my own fanworks. Previously, the most I contributed to fandom was via reccing stories.

Stats: Podfic (15 stories, ~10 hours worth of footage recorded overall), 5 fics

Most popular?

In terms of fic? Well, I only have one story posted to AO3 (Covert Cootchie-Cootchie-Coo), and the rest of them were ficlets posted to tumblr, so it's hard to make a comparison. From the number of notes alone on tumblr, my most popular fic was Crocodile Tears, the little Rogers Family-verse ficlet I wrote for V.

In terms of podfic, it's hard to say. Do I go by hits, downloads, comments, or kudos? By sheer number of hits alone, Robot Pants-Off Dance-Off wins, with 1100+ hits. In the world of podfic stats, that's pretty darn good. In terms of feedback (kudos/comments), that would be Groundwater followed very closely by Culture and Other Balls of Twine.

Most underappreciated?

For fic, I guess going by notes that would be The Wrong Cup. But it's kidfic--and OC fic at that--for a rarepair so not that surprising. :P

For podfic, well that's hard to tell, since I have works that have only just been posted within the past few days so you can't make comparisons via stats. I guess among my earlier works that would be Any Way I Do, which was a mini Clint/Natasha podfic.

Personal favorite, for whatever reason?

For fic, that would be "CCCC", because it was unabashed crack and I cackled over all the gratuitous romance novel cliches and conventions I threw in. I never said it was good! :P But I had fun writing it, even if not a whole lot of people have read it.

My personal favorite podfic was "C&OBT" hands down. It was my first attempt at making a podfic and (until today) it was my biggest, most ambitious project. It was a true labor of love and I think it contains my best performance.

Most difficult to make?

Oh man. It's a tie between Baby's First Halloween and Me and My Shadow. Both were gift fics. "BFH" really resisted being written for a long time, but I was pretty happy with the way it came out. "M&MS" was also a slog to write and I was never truly happy with it.

For podfic, that would be a tie between "C&OBT" and "Groundwater". "C&OBT" was my first podfic and there were a lot of technical difficulties, growing pains, and a learning curve to negotiate, but like I said, it was a labor of love. "Groundwater" was just a HUGE pain to edit, because during the raw recording, I had to contend with ridiculously loud environmental sounds, planes taking off every 5 minutes, and the dog crashing my recording. In the end though, I was happy with the way it came out.

Most "ah ha ha I can't believe I'm doing this"?

LOLOLOLOL, well for fic that would definitely be "CCCC" because it's just ridiculous crack.

And for podfic, ah hahahahaha, definitely "RPODO" because it was my first time narrating smut and asd;fasdl;adf; oh god, I'm still horrendously embarrassed by it, I can't believe how many hits it has and presumably how many people listened to it. DON'T LISTEN TO MY SHAME.

Most fun to make?

"CCCC" as mentioned previous.

Most fun to make would probably be The Tongues of Men and Angels, because I flew through recording and editing it, and had SO MUCH FUN playing around with special effects to make the "digital" components of the story come to life.

Was there one that didn't turn out the way you wanted?

"M&MS"--I can't really articulate in what ways it didn't work for me, but I think a large part of it was that it was so hard to write that I ended up resenting it for all the work I had to put into it, ha.

"Any Way I Do" was not my best performance I don't think, but I was too lazy to re-record. :P I did like how Robot Trip came out, but my regret with that is that I couldn't find a way to bring Dummy's "singing" to life.

Biggest learning experience?

Uh...well, for fic. Hmmm. I guess my biggest learning experience was an unpublished Carol/Rhodey multichapter WIP that may or may not ever see the light of day. It was my first time working with a beta, and Roos really whipped that first chapter into shape. It's not being released, even though it's finished, because I don't know if I'll ever get around to writing the rest of the chapters. We'll see!

Podfic- "C&OBT" because that's where it all started.

What's next?

Ugh, finish my WIPs. So many fic ideas, so little motivation to pin them down and finish writing them.

For podfic, I want to start incorporating music and sound effects, just to push myself a little.

fic, meme, podfic

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