May 17, 2008 21:39
does anyone have that vince guaraldi christmas album with that cover of greensleeves? because i had it once but i always lose it between christmases and i couldn't find it this christmas so i havn't seen it in forever and i really wanna listen to that cd.
we went to a garage sale yesterday on leroy with a bunch of CDs but also a few books and i got some things
-The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde
-The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain
-Ok Computer (Radio Head)
-Selections from Herbie Hancock Gershwin's World
-The Very Best Of Cream
-Pearl Jam (just for even flow yessss)
-Tommy (The Who) but only the first disc
all for 4 dollars!!!
today i wanted to play soccer but we could only get 9 people. Why won't anyone play soccer with us?? Saturday is for doing fun things, Sunday is for homework, figure that out. If we didn't call you, you should have called us.