Apr 07, 2008 20:26
i like walking with not particular destination in mind. it allows me to experience things. i stop to let the wind wash over me, i drag my feet to feel the earth through my shoes, i meander as a river, going the path of least resistance.
i saw a leaf fall and stopped to watch it. it grew last spring and held on until now, nearly a year, and just in that instant was finally and forever released and no one cares.
My eyes wander over every thing as my feet lift and fall, slowly, carefully but carelessly. Every whim of my mind is met absolutely and completely by my body, such a slave, such a servant.
Smells drift in and out of my nose.
People surround me, yet they seem alien and far away.
What is everyone so afraid of?
A man rides past me on his bike. 3 dogs, their tongues hanging, run after him. Not a chase, but following, wherever he leads. It was beautiful at the time.
There's something special in eye contact.
All i need in this world is food, friends, health, water, rest, pencil, and paper.
I like to listen to my own footsteps, especially if they're quiet.
I think people misunderstand "curiosity killed the cat." He died because he knew too much.
It doesn't matter if everything is coincidence or design, it still is. It doesn't matter if anything was or not. Nothing "will be" and nothing "was," but everything is. We are all present.
Find out.