(no subject)

Sep 20, 2005 01:05

LJ Interests meme results

  1. black market babies:
    This was a joke that Andria, Golden, and I had about some certain members of the colorguard in 2004. It actually started in May of that year, and it was hysterical.
  2. clothes:
    I... love clothing.
  3. daria:
    Daria was my absolute favorite cartoon from like 1998-2000, I so badly wanted to be a cynical bitch, too. Oh wait!
  4. fame:
    Fame. The movie/musical<33. Montgomery McNeill<33. Favorite show I've ever been a part of.
  5. ice cream:
    I'm lactose intolerant (or, allergic to milk, whatever), but I love dairy products in an obscene way. The only time it's inconvenient are long car rides that you can't roll down the windows for, sorry.
  6. maria bamford:
    She's my absolute favorite comedian EVER! She does a lot of voices in her act, and she's just sooooo funny.
  7. oreos:
    I can only eat them with milk, ironically (see above).
  8. reel big fish:
    I used to be really into ska, and RBF and Save Ferris were my favorite bands by a lot. Yeah, you've never seen me skank.
  9. soccer:
  10. ultimate sabres:
    Haha, this is a lie.

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