Nov 17, 2004 12:30
yester day work was ok when I finished my entry. I got to draw blood. I've never done it before and this woman was a good sport for letting us both ( rose marie and I ) prick her about 10 X's in different places. I had a vien but didn't know it, and I broke the vaccum seal on about 3 different vials and got frustrated and gave it to rose marie to do, and she got it on her first try and was like rubbing it in my face. it really pissed me off because I am very compedative and I wasn't able to do it, and it erked me pretty bad...........
Mike didn't drop me off lunch, but Michelle did. I came to the conclusion I am never mentioning to Mike ever again about him comeing to visit me at work. Something always goes wrong, last week his truck ran out of gas and this week Linda's car broke down. So never again. They could have called and said " hey, we can't make it, this happened," and I would have said ok, and went out side to find a big rock to smash my soup can, lol.
I called Mike before I left here last night ( I'm typing at work again) and He filled me in that he had to work, ok, that's fine. So I went home and had dinner with my dad last night. He pissed me off as usual. Hes always sticking his nose in to my buisness, and then cocking an additude when I tell him to butt-out. Immature much? anyways..
I took a shower and cleaned my room. I was going to draw but didn't really feel like it. I had taken out my playboys to find a picture, and didn't bother to put them back and my dad saw them, that was a wierd momment, lol. A father finding his DAUGHTER'S playboys? humm?
I talked to Mike around 11:30ish when he got home from work. He was working on his project that was due...uhh, today. Bad Mike! I got off the phone with him.. :( I didn't even get to finish telling him about my day really, but I knew he had to finish his homework, so oh well.
So I watched 'How Clean is Your House' laughed my ass off at one part from last weeks episode, lol. Martha called me from Pal's to see what I was doing, which was nice, cause I was feeling lonley. I seriously CANNOT sit home with my dad. He sits on the couch, and I can't sit with him. So I'm all alone in my room. I hate that feeling of lonliness and emptiness. I was going to go out and get gas last night, but Mike reminded me about the murderer on the loose in Delmar, and the place the murder took place is like 10 minutes from my house... so... no. I went down stairs and made sure the door was locked.
I read two of my sappy corney romance novels and went to bed about 12:45? somewhere around there. I woke up at 7;30 feeling like I hadn't even slept. I've been over sleeping latly.
This morning I stopped and got gas and while i was there i got a breakfast sandwich and a coffee. got to work, and Rose-marie wasn't here, so I did the charts all by my self, and then I entered them in to the computer, all by my self.
The doctor brought in peanut butter fudge for us...wierd? He's like are you going to have some, and he took a piece him self and started eating it while he was tlaking to me, and he started choking, he's like " it's burning my throat" and had a coughing fit, I was like Hell no I ain't having any! lol
and now I am done with this, and now I'm going to eat my lunch, peace out!