Jan 05, 2005 16:32
Wow...life outside of school has gotten psycho crazy...and I've just been out for a few weeks. You would think that they would give you a little time to find a job and such before they started calling you up for public service. I was planned on starting my search for a job on Monday, but sometimes it does no good to make plans. On Sunday I got a summons for jury duty for me to show up on Monday. I guess my job search has been postponed. I'm kind of scared about it too. I don't know what I'll do if I'm picked to be on a jury unless it's and open-and-shut case. I don't want the power and responsibility of that position...but I guess no one really does. I moved back home for the time being to get a job and save up some money. I'm also getting ready for a nephew in May. If I think life is crazy know, I wonder what I'll think about it then. I just feels relieved that school is over with and overwhelmed by all the decisions that I have to make now. Some decisions could affect the rest of my life. I don't know. Anyway, life is good overall sometimes you just have to look past the difficulties that are so evident today and see the big picture...but that can be so hard at times. I hope that everyone has an awesome year filled with happy surprises and good memories.