Contrary to popular belief - BOB fanfic

Dec 20, 2007 21:51

Title: Contrary to popular belief (Santa Claus is not coming to town)
Author: super_six_one
Fandom: Band of Brothers - Winters/Nixon
Word Count: 250
Summary: In which Lew hates Christmas, is greedy, and experience mood swings.
Rating: PG-13 [language]
Disclaimer: None of this ever happened, nor do I insist it did in writing the events of this fictional story.
Notes: Christmas cliché. Poorly-written. All-around fun!

Contrary to popular belief (Santa Claus is not coming to town)

"I swear to Christ, Dick, if those carolers don’t double-time it across the lawn right fucking now, I’m gonna do something I’ll deeply regret later."


Lew scowled darkly into his glass, wondering if willpower alone could turn the ice water with lemon into something more…potent. He also wondered if those red caped bastards parading up and down the road knew any other songs besides Holy Night and Jingle Bells. But as they began their forth rendition of Holy Night, the obvious answer was no.

"Why do you hate Christmas so much, Lew?" Dick asked casually, sipping apple cider.

"Because it’s a ridiculous holiday," he answered, using the iron fire poker to move around the logs in the fireplace. Sparks flew as the dying embers glowed fiercely in the shadows. This place reeked of Christmas trees and holiday cooking.

"That’s not much of a reason."

"That’s reason enough, isn’t it?"

"No," Dick said finally, "not really."

Lew sunk into the couch next to Dick, sighing. He could really use a drink, and maybe some codeine. (Stupid, goddamn carolers.) "You know why I hate Christmas so much? Because I never get what I want."

Dick laughed, a sudden burst that he probably hadn’t meant to let out - did wonders for Lew’s frown. He sat up and bumped knees with the dark-haired man. "Though that’s hardly the point of Christmas, Lewis Nixon, what do you want for Christmas?"

Lew looked hard into the dwindling fire, well aware of Dick’s hand covering his hand, and his frown slowly began to morph into a smirk.

band of brothers

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