OMFG!! Band of Brothers fic!!

Jun 24, 2007 19:32

Title: Fortunate Soldiers
Author: super_six_one
Fandom: Band of Brothers - Winters/Nixon
Word Count: 2,118
Summary: Lew and Dick get domestic!
Rating: R [some language, some silliness, some sexual content]
Disclaimer: None of this ever happened, nor do I insist it did in writing the events of this fictional story.
Notes: This is for dearkiki. It was supposed to be a drabble, but I got a little out of control! Hope you like it, hon! Also, this goes up un-betaed. I’m feeling a little lazy.

fortunate soldiers

“Like, on a date?”

When all Dick did was turn away from him, stirring his coffee with a spoon and bending over the newspaper laid out on the counter by the stove, Lew smirked. He smirked big and he smirked loud. He bet Dick could hear it, that smirk.

Lew leaned back in his chair, sinking into the seatback cushions as he folded his arms across his chest. He watched Dick shift his weight from foot to foot and turn around, jaw set slightly. A small flush had accumulated high on his cheeks, freckled from all that work in the yard.

Lew grinned wolfishly, thoroughly enjoying the view. Winters in his boxers, a simple robe thrown over, slipper-clad and nothing else. Hot. Lew felt his downstairs brain stirring. And Jesus, it was only nine in the morning.

Dick’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, and he sat down, paper clenched in one hand, steaming mug in the other. “Not a date,” he muttered into a long sip from his coffee.

A dollop of milk, a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of creamer. Lew might’ve told Dick to start drinking his joe like a man if he wasn’t so preoccupied with the task of watching Dick swallow. Nice and slow.

“Did you hear anything I just said?”

Lew dragged his eyes away from Dick’s jugular, past his lips wet with coffee, and up to his eyes. So fucking blue. Like the ocean or the sky or something equally as girlish. God, one thing Lew hated about Dick was the sheer honesty in his blue blue eyes. How it dubbed as some sort of screwed up truth serum. “I didn’t hear a word,” he replied.

Dick bit his tongue, and rested his chin in his palm, elbow braced against the scrubbed table. “I said it’s not a date. It’s just dinner someplace else than here.”

“And that’s what a date is, Richard,” Lew said, through a grin.

“No,” Dick responded defensively, “it’s an outing.”

Lew’s brow cocked. He was inappropriately amused. “An outing?”

For the second time that morning, Dick’s eyes narrowed. He drained his mug in record time and stood up. He pointed a finger in Lew’s direction and waggled it. “You. You drive me crazy.”

A slow, easy smile worked its way across Lew’s face while Dick headed for the swinging galley door. And as Dick disappeared in the next room, Lew shouted after him: “If you wanna get hitched, you’re gonna have to buy a dress!”


Dick was still a little pissy from morning’s debacle, so Lew was sentenced to super-clean the kitchen all by his lonesome. It took him a near two hours to get to everything: the sink, the stove, the new refrigerator, the floor. It was okay, though, because it all paid off in the end.

The kitchen was gleaming. Absolutely spotless. The black-and-white checked floor actually looked black and white, for once. And the cabinet faces? You could see your reflection in them, the refurbished cedar was that clean. Plus, every knob and handle in the room was…shiny. It made him feel so good.

He was completely finished by lunchtime, and by the time he had cleaned himself up, Dick trudged in.

Sweaty, sticky, an undershirt stretching tightly across his chest, hair stuck up her and there after having been forced beneath a ballcap half the morning, and oily smudges all over his face. Dick smelled like Valvoline and car fuel.

It was kind of a turn-on. Lew palmed his crotch once to get himself to settle down, glad as hell he was sitting at the table, all tucked in with lunch set up before him.

“You made sandwiches?” Dick eyed the table, pulling out a chair after washing his hands. “You made me sandwiches?”

“You act like I’ve never made you anything before,” Lew said, only a little bit offended, but mostly sarcastic.

“Nothing that’s ever been edible,” Dick replied.

That took a moment to skin in. Then Lew’s jaw dropped. “Christmastime - two years ago?! I cooked that turkey! You loved it!”

“Oh.” Dick popped a potato chip into his mouth, crunched down slowly. “Right.”

“You’re an evil, evil man, Dick Winters,” Lew scoffed, but it didn’t matter now. Dick had already shot him down. His pride went spiralling into the floor like a B-52 set aflame.

Dick tore in the sandwiches, though. So Lew figured either he’d done a hell of a job making them (bread, turkey, provolone, and a bit of Italian paste) or Dick was so hungry he could’ve eaten his way through a horse bladder and wouldn’t have known the difference. For the sake of his damaged pride, Lew was in favour of the first.

While Dick scarfed down the meal, Lew munched on Lays and let the golden light shining through the window hypnotise him a little. The sunshine shone through the white half-curtain placed strategically over the bottom part of the window. Yeah. Strategically. Like it took a whole lotta brains to put up a damn curtain.

He didn’t even realise when Dick started to talk to him, only noticed when Dick’s belt was at eye level and fingers were running through his hair, still damp from his quick shower. It sent a pleasing jolt through his body, a shock through his spine. He leant into the touch, let Dick pull him up.

Dick’s lips were moving against his, then. Hard and pliant, the kiss was sloppy and wet. Lew delved into Dick’s mouth, and their tongues moved to caress the other. Dick’s hands knotted into the back of Lew’s shirt, rucking it up until it was bare skin against Dick’s filthy, oily workshirt.

This nothing short of pornographic, my dear friend, Lew’s mind cackled, good job. Just as hands fumbled at his belt buckle and pulled his zipper down in one, rough motion that sent that last voice reeling. A hot grip took Lew through the front of his boxer briefs. He bucked into the warmth that was Dick’s hands, breathing into Dick’s mouth in short gasping breaths.

Dick was dirty, and then he was dirty.

Lew grinned through the kiss. He had been forgiven.


Around three in the afternoon, after Lew cleaned up the kitchen (again) and took a shower (again), he found Dick outside staring fondly at the Ford he’d been working on half the day.

“Looks nice,” Lew commented.

“Doesn’t she,” Dick replied dreamily, patting her hood.

The truck still needed a thorough paint job, and the passenger door was a little rusted through and through, but it was nothing a couple day’s work wouldn’t fix. Everything else was pretty much taken care of, down to the license plates and the parking lights. Lew was a little disappointed it wasn’t his week to work with the Ford. He could show her a good time, for sure.

“We should start thinking about some colours, you know. Narrow it down to the perfect one.”

Lew leaned a hip against the driver door, and shoved his hands into his pockets. “I was thinking a cherry red, maybe even a grey-blue. White wall tires, of course.”

“Of course,” Dick grinned, wiping at his brow.

“You know what else would look good in this truck?”


“A dog.”

Dick smiled. He slapped Lew gently on the stomach and worked his way around the hood of the truck. “Okay.”



Lew would’ve thrown him down on the truckbed and let Dick have his way with him, but that’d mean another shower. He settled for a “whoop!” instead, eyes bright and shining. Dick’s laughter afterwards made him whole.


Lew was perched on the bathroom counter, listening to Dick move around in the tiny shower stall, lulled into a sleepy trance as the spray hit the tiles and the glass that kept Dick from Lew’s sight. Definitely a sight Lew could benefit from seeing.

All glistening muscle beneath the water and the soap and the shampoo that smells like coconut and something else, and Lew swallowed back a frustrated groan, trying to remind his body that he was still tired from the super-clean he’d given the kitchen some hours back.

He perked up when the water was shut off and the towel hanging over the glass door was pulled into the stall. Dick came out a few seconds later in a wall of steam, towel slung low over his hips.

“Damn it, Dick, why do you have to be so modest all the time,” Lew joked, his smile soft and harmless.

“Unlike some folks I know, some people have shame,” Dick shot back, grin wide. He pushed his hands through his sopping red hair, shaking out the water.

Lew matched his grin, settling into watching Dick retreat into the bedroom and go through the dresser for some clothes. “Put on something nice, alright?” Lew asked, all innocent and unassuming.


He hopped off the counter and swayed over to the dresser. “Because we’re going out, that’s why.”

Again, with the narrowing eyes. “What changed your mind, huh?”

“We’ve got to celebrate, goddamnit!”

Dick seemed taken back by Lew’s sudden excitement, and he braced a hand on the dresser edge. “And we’re celebrating why?”

“The dog!”

“Alright then,” Dick answered slowly, shuffling even slower to the small walk-in closet where the ‘nice clothes’ were.

Lew pumped a fist and slipped to the bedroom door, looking back only to wink at Dick, who was looking at him quizzically, and say, fingers brought together in a cocked pistol: “And it’s a date!”


All in all, they had a good night, date, outing, whatever.

They had supper at a small Italian place, a dimly-lit hole-in-the-wall place that didn’t care if they took the table in the shadowy corner and sat on the same side of the booth, catching pinkies beneath the table every so often. After that, they went to the show and sat in the back, taking advantage of the dark to thread fingers under the armrests.

Lew said he could get used to this date thing, which made Dick laugh, and that was reason enough for Lew.

When they got home, and the door was locked, and the outside world could see nothing but the lit windows behind curtains, they double-timed up the stairs, tripping over each other, laughing, even at each other. Like little kids. It was…freeing.

But hell, they made it to the bedroom before pouncing on each other. Wining (well, lemon ice watering was the correct term-alcohol-free for three years and counting) and dining was out of the way, now came the sweet part.

Lew tore at Dick’s clothing, Dick tore at his, and Lew was pretty certain they’d beaten their record time in getting it to the bed. Dick shoved at Lew’s shoulders, forcing him down and laving his tongue across Lew’s neck, heavy wet strokes that made Lew hard in seconds.

If this afternoon’s kiss was pornographic, than this was damnable on all accounts. Lew could practically feel the flames of hell licking his soul. It made him grin, the rebeller he was. Blue eyes met his.

“What’re you smiling about?” Dick asked, the corner of his lip upturned, already kiss-bruised and full.

“Nothing,” was Lew’s brilliant reply. He pulled Dick down on top of him, twisted up into him shamelessly, searched for that slip and slide of their skin. It didn’t take long to feel it. Not at all. Especially with Dick feeling a little shameless himself.

He grasped at Dick’s arms, arching as knees pressed into his sides, and Dick’s cock slid past his, hot and full and oh god, Lew wasn’t gonna last long tonight, he knew. Dick all but rode him, and the friction was so perfect and painfully right to the last second when he came, Dick no more than a minute later, mouth parted for muted gasps of hot breath that tickled Lew’s skin.
Dick dropped heavily to Lew’s side, and like always, flung an arm over Lew’s flat belly in a protectiveness that Lew had yet to pick up on. “Awesome.”

Lew nodded in response, pressing his lips against Dick’s sweating hairline, tasting the salty sweet of the man’s sheen. “Hey, Dick?”

The other man’s eyes were fluttering closed. His reply was muffled, sleepy almost. “Yeah.”

“You’ll marry me, right?”

Dick’s laughter was soft and sweet, like he was expecting the question. “Do I have to?”

“Course you do,” Lew said pointedly. “We’re getting a dog. And dogs are like kids, only less annoying and more clean. So we like, totally got knocked up, and now we have to get married. It’s the rules.”



Lew could feel Dick’s smile against his neck. “Okay.”

:: :: ::

I found my inspiration in this:

Whole Lotta Love . Led Zeppelin Listen//Download
You need coolin', baby, I'm not foolin'.
I'm gonna send you back to schoolin'.
Way down inside honey, you need it.
I'm gonna give you my love.

band of brothers

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