Aug 02, 2009 22:09
Wow. It was a very busy weekend for me, but I didn't get to do anything fun. Saturday was a very busy errand day. I spent the day doing all sorts of things--getting my oil changed, getting a haircut, buying groceries, paying bills. I had to go to the laundramat because I had to wash blankets. I hate going to the laundramat. It's so boring. They have TV and I brought magazines to read, but it was boring. I was basically running all over the South Bay getting odds and ends done.
Saturday night, my computer must have caught some really nasty virus or something. All of my programs just started going down and not working the way they should. Some couldn't start up at all. Web browsers were freezing. None of my settings were being saved. I stayed up until almost 3 AM trying to get things working, but of course nothing worked. I've only gotten viruses twice. Both times, I had McAfee as my anti-virus software. Since AT & T gives it to us for free I might as well use it, but it seems to let things through. I've had bad luck with Symantec as well. It hijacks your computer and eventually something goes wrong with the program and causes all sorts of problems. I also had problems when in install didn't go right and that destroyed everything. I've had better luck with other software like Computer Associates and Kaspersky. Those did the job and didn't stress out the computer too much.
So this morning, I decided to start from scratch. It was a good excuse to get a new hard drive. I was able to configure my old drive as a slave and salvage all of my files from it. For some reason, my audio drivers wouldn't install, so made an extra trip to get sound card. I didn't get a very expensive one since I really only use my computer for internet and photo/website stuff. That's what I've been working on for the whole day. I really wanted to work on photos and make some more progress with Fanime photos. I wanted to get all of it done by Nisei Week, but missing a weekend it really going to put that behind schedule. I've got just about everything installed and running except my website software, which involves downloading my whole website to my computer and then re-uploading everything. That can wait until tomorrow. I'm just about ready to pass out now.
I wish I could have done something more fun this weekend.
computer stuff,
daily life