Weekend Recap

Mar 29, 2009 21:22

It was a busy weekend.  I covered a lot of miles.  Saturday morning, I ran a lot of errands.  I did some shopping for necessities--food, toiletries.  I also bought some shirts and some more drum kit hardware.  After lunch, I went to drop off my stuff and then went out to muzek 's  BBQ thing out in OC.  It was fun hanging out and relaxing and eating BBQ.  It was very hot out there.  I guess me and ycysusan  eat corn in the same manner--very slowly, one row at a time.  I didn't think anybody else had the patience to eat corn like that.  Sometimes, I think that I'm too organized.  I even eat corn in an organized manner.  After the BBQ, we went to Muze's house for some desserts and watched a movie and got attacked by dogs.  After that, the party migrated to akusesu 's house, but since it was late and I had a lot to do on Sunday, I had to go home.

Today, I got to do my Sunday workout.  I haven't had an opportunity to do my Sunday workout since before we started shooting at Lake Balboa.  It's also the day that I usually do abdominal work.  After almost a month without doing it, my midsection does not look at good so I want to get back to work in that department.  I also bought some more drum kit hardware and another Roland CY-5 cymbal.  The afternoon was spent doing my laundry and rebuilding the drum kit with the new hardware and cymbal.  The two Pintech cymbals now function as splash cymbals (green) and the Rolands serve as hi-hat (yellow) and ride (blue).  Splash cymbals are light-duty cymbals and I didn't think the Pintechs are rugged enough for that.  Of course, I had to do a two hour test session to try out the new configuration.  Four cymbals is pretty fun.  It makes life easier on a lot of songs.  I think it's ready to go for SoCal picnic.  Woohoo!

I still haven't seen Watchmen and now I want to see Monsters vs. Aliens.  I'm behind on my movie watching.  Fast & Furious comes out next weekend.  Bah!

Status on current projects:
Cosplay Underground v. 003:  After a bunch of revisions, I think I've done as much with it as I am capable of.  Honestly, there's always a few things that I'm never completely satisfied with.  When dealing with photos this large, there's always things that I notice that bug me, but I can't do anything about.  I'm going to wait until everybody in it is back from wherever they are and then I will show you the link and the approval process will start.  I guess Tuesday night everybody should be back.  I'll post it before I go to bed that night.  Hopefully everybody will be able to see this issue before the weekend.

super-no1.com:  I'm going to work on building pages for the photos featured in v. 003.  There are some photos that I submitted that weren't used for the issue so that everything would fit nice and neat.  Some were alternate photos that looked similar to other photos that made it.  Maybe all of it will go live on the same day.  That will be my first priority.  After that will be Sakura Watch photos.

cosplay underground, rock band, video games, daily life

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