Mar 26, 2008 16:12

[Communication device clicks on...Yuffie's voice can be heard, panting raggedly. It sounds like she's having trouble breathing.]

Well. The peace was nice while it lasted.

Ow, fuck. I'll...I'll be glad when this is over... Tifa, you okay? Head for the library if you get a chance. S-stay safe, you hear me? *panting* Don't...don't need you  getting hurt.

Hey..Olette. I know this may sound horribly bossy of me, but since the main goal of this is to stay alive and NOT add to the death toll....shit, my side hurts.....what say we find Hayner, find Pence, then make a run for the library? It seems that's where everyone....is headed....jesus christ on a pogo stick, hurts to breathe too.
Does anyone else need or want us to pick them up? And hey, you, Dante or Dente, or whatever your name is....care to provide cover fire for us? We need it.
[Sound of something cracking, then Yuffie screaming, panting]

SONUVABITCH! [Wet slicing sounds]

...fuck. Ouch.

(ooc: Yuffie just got blindsided by one of the zombies carrying a blunt object. Her left ribs are broken, so she'll be coughing up blood. Cure spells don't really do much for broken bones. :X But she's still in action. If you want your character to be picked up or anything, just say so.)
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