I think for once in my life I'm starting to gain some weight. Maybe 3 pounds. I told myself, "that's 3 pounds of muscle!" but probably not... I been gorgin' on bruschetta a long time.
That reminds me of the time my friend told me he nicknamed a girl "douchetta" because she was kind of a douche but a girl. Also, she was a little bit awkward and, since eating bruschetta puts your hand at an awkward position, douchetta she came to be.
ANYWAY. School is good, not great. I guess I just have to come to the realization that I don't have a lot of friends at college because:
A) it's a small school
B) I don't live on campus
C) most of the friends I made last year transferred out of the state
D) the majority of people in my major (because it's artsy-fartsy horseshit) are just down right douches and douchettas!