Nov 28, 2008 15:50

Characters: Riku, Sora
Summary: Sora comes to visit Riku.
Time: Early afternoon
Location: Main building, room 717
Warnings: None yet!

Fortunately for Sora, Riku had managed to find a pair of clean board shorts stuffed away in his drawer. )

sora, riku

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super_sora November 28 2008, 21:20:37 UTC
Sora had, once again, managed to get himself lost. He needed to go get a map or something from the office. Then it wouldn't be so darn confusing trying to weave his way through the complicated building. He actually had to go ask Roxas for help, and using his vague directions, Sora found himself standing in front of Riku's door - or what he believed was Riku's door.

Taking a deep breath in, and then leaning forward to knock, the brunette paused for just a moment before the sound of his knuckles hitting the wood echoed through the hallway. He immediately drew back, and waited patiently on the otherside of the door, staring at the numbers on it. It wasn't that he was nervous... it was more that he hadn't seen Riku for so long and he wasn't sure if Riku still wanted to be his friend - but he wouldn't have said it was okay for him to come over if he didn't want to be his friend anymore and and...

Another deep breath. Okay, maybe he was a little nervous.


legacybestowed November 28 2008, 21:25:17 UTC
There he was. Riku looked up from his game, then pressed pause, set the controller down, and rose. He calmly crossed over to the door and pulled it open, then gave Sora an easy grin and pulled the door the rest of the way open.

"Took you long enough," he teased gently. "Manage to get lost again?" Riku had grown a bit since Sora had last seen him, his body several inches taller and his hair several inches longer, but he was still undeniably Riku -- if nothing else, his smug grin was the same as it had ever been.


super_sora November 28 2008, 21:44:46 UTC
Sora blinked as the door opened, and had to tilt his head up slightly - Riku had gotten so much taller since last time! He was the same height as him when he had left, and for some reason, Sora didn't think that he would've grown. Of course he would've grown taller than him - thats what people did! But.. really? That much taller? That was kinda unfair.

Snorting at his sentence, and folding his arms, Sora shook his head. "No! I just.. took a detour," he replied, before smiling slightly. "Well? You gonna let me in or what?"


legacybestowed November 28 2008, 23:25:36 UTC
Sora, of course, was as short as ever! Or so Riku thought to himself as he reached out, dropped his hand onto Sora's hair, and gave it a vigorous ruffle. He'd grown a little, to be sure, but not quite as much as Riku had.

"A detour," he repeated with a smug look on his face. "All the way to the wrong side of the building on the wrong floor, right?" The silver-haired teen steped back to allow Sora to enter. "I guess I can let you in. You only came all the way up here to see me."


super_sora November 28 2008, 23:52:14 UTC
Sora huffed slightly as Riku ruffled his hair, trying to lean away from Riku's hands, his own lifting to push him off. "Hey, watch it! Or you'll mess it up!" he said, slightly grinning though. Once he'd pushed Riku off of him, he paused, and then gave him a quick hug. It was a manly one, just a simple shoulder pat, but it felt like it needed to be done.

He pulled away and then crossed his arms in front of him again. "Yes. A detour. I was exploring the building, scoping out the area. You know. Information recovery." He said before entering the room, looking around it and then going to sit on Riku's bed.

There was a short, awkward pause, before Sora looked up at him. "..So."


legacybestowed November 29 2008, 02:59:14 UTC
"Hah!" Riku grinned. "If I manage to mess it up I deserve an award." Sora's hair is just as wild and mussed as Riku remembers it being. The hug startles Riku, of course, and the silver-haired teenager responds to it with... yet another hair ruffle.

"You couldn't gather information if it was written on a brick and thrown at you," Riku teases, waiting for Sora to enter and sit down. The pause was, indeed, very awkward -- but one wouldn't know it just from looking at Riku. The teenager casually dropped back into his chair, slumping out across in in a lazy, casual sprawl that he somehow managed to make look good. "So you're a first year, huh? Had to put up with any hazing yet?"


super_sora December 1 2008, 22:32:26 UTC
Sora stuck his tongue out at that comment. His hair wasn't always messed up! It was.. just out of bed style. And he took pride in it - most of the time.

This was... very strange. One of the reasons he'd come here was so he'd be able to go out and look for Riku on his own - and Riku was already here! It certainly saved him some searching. He hadn't suspected that he'd find Riku this quickly - and now he wasn't sure what he was going to say to him. There were so many things, he'd thought about it for so long and yet, his brain had decided to scramble, producing nothing but blanks.

Sora watched him move over to the chair, and then pulled his shoes off so he could put his feet on the bed. He then looked back up at Riku, and smiled a little. "Yup! I only got here a few days ago..." he trailed off, frowning at the word that Riku had used. "Hazing?"


legacybestowed December 6 2008, 18:25:43 UTC
"You don't know hazing?" Riku grinned. "Well, I guess that's for the better, huh?" Absolutely certain the overall lack of information would drive Sora crazy, Riku promptly moved on to a different subject. Maybe he should have been nicer, but teasing Sora was an old, comfortable habit. It made things a lot less awkward, or so Riku would have been quick to claim.

He shifted to another subject. "Gotta roommate?"


Sorrryy for the time this took, was on hiatus due to finals <3 super_sora December 16 2008, 01:40:38 UTC
Sora frowned. "Well obviously not, doofus, or else I wouldn't have asked," he said, snorting slightly, leaning back against the wall that met the bed. Although it was.. weird, Riku was just being plain ol' Riku. He was taller, had more hair, and probably had lots of stories and adventures to tell, but it was still the same Riku. And even though Sora didn't like it when Riku teased him, it held some sort of nostalgia for him - so it was kind of comforting. And so, Sora had a small smile on his face.

As the subject changed, Sora sad forward and nodded. "Yeah! Its really weird though, he kinda looks exactly like me." he said, making a hand gesture to his face. "And I mean, like he could be my twin, Riku! Seriously!"


that's okay you can have a reply 16 DAYS LATE ahahaa... D: legacybestowed December 30 2008, 23:46:41 UTC
Riku blinked a little when Sora made his reveal about his roommate, sitting up a little straighter. In typical Riku fashion he didn't make his interest too obvious, but it was clear that Sora's new roommate had caught Riku's attention.

"He looks like that normally? He's not just a shape-shifter?"


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