Nov 26, 2008 17:19

Characters: Kurogane, Fai, (Menyanthes is invited to join)
Summary: Kurogane knows Fai is here; now he has to find him.
Time: Mid afternoon
Location: Main building, first floor hallway
Warnings: None so far

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Kurogane would see about that. The computer might not have been able to reach Fai, but Kurogane was far more resourceful than any computer, and he knew Fai better. The red-eyed man stepped out of his office, quickly glanced one way, then the other, and then abruptly disappeared, door slamming shut behind him.

He reappeared a moment later at the nearest intersection of hallways, posters on the wall ruffling with his passing, one of them actually tearing part of the way away from its tacks. Kurogane paused there for only a moment, glancing around, before he suddenly 'vanished' again, only to appear again at the next intersection. Once more he looked around, found nothing, and took off down the hallway again.

He would find Fai again, even if he had to comb over every last inch of the school to do it.

menyanthes, kurogane, fai d. flourite

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