
Nov 13, 2008 01:15

Characters: Fye, Kakashi and anyone else who wants to enter?
Summary: Fye's arrival o/ He's found the library, but knows nothing else~
Time: Late Arrival? O:
Location: Library
Warnings: None.

Books books books everywhere. Might read some while waiting~ )

toph bei fong, fai d. flourite, hatake kakashi

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lotsofhobbies November 13 2008, 00:37:29 UTC
Ah, the library. One of the few places so unfavoured by the students that Kakashi could sit in peace for hours at a time, at least until deadlines began to rear their heads and panicked children remembered the existence of books. His office hours over, he was once again headed for his desk near the back when an unfamiliar figure caught his eye.

Too old to be a student - although he'd learned not to set that particular opinion in stone - and giving him that nagging pull in the back of his mind that meant there was some kind of power. Kakashi did some quick mental calculations based on what little he'd heard during the end of the staff meeting, and approached the man loudly enough not to startle him.

"Fye Flourite? You're a little early."


lulz_mage November 13 2008, 00:53:37 UTC
Fye looked up before swirling around on one foot, beaming at the stranger who was sporting some really white and fluffy hair. He blinked at it.

"How peculiar, you know my name already." Stretching out a hand, he added "and it's Fye D. Flourite, yes. Who might you be?"


lotsofhobbies November 13 2008, 01:06:44 UTC
"They mentioned you as arriving this evening," he supplied blandly, taking Fye's hand and shaking it firmly. "Probably why you've been left to your own devices for so long, or they'd have you behind a desk filling in paperwork by now."

Releasing Fye's hand, he tilted his head, eyes creasing to show that somewhere underneath the mask, he was smiling, "I 'might be' Kakashi Hatake, instructor and bane of the student body. Welcome to our school."


lulz_mage November 13 2008, 01:16:29 UTC
"Oh, well, I took an earlier train since the tickets for the evening one was sold out. I guess the view of the setting sun is a popular reason to travel by evening. No worries. I'm quite used to amuse myself if I'm unoccupied." Fye held up the book in emphasis.

"Oh, thank you. So, you 'might' know where I should be heading then, Mr 'might be' Kakashi~?" Fye didn't let his smile slip during the entire conversation. And this person was interesting. He peered at his hair again.


lotsofhobbies November 13 2008, 01:22:29 UTC
Kakashi appeared to give the question some thought, though part of his silence was dedicated to wondering if a kid had put something in his hair, with the way Fye was eyeing it. With the air of someone granting great knowledge to the uninitiated, he spoke,

"If you aren't assigned to one of the student floors as their babysitter, then you'll want to go to the permanent residences and find your flat before the children start getting curious." He paused, then smiled again, a sure sign he was being sarcastic, "Remember not to run if they do. They can smell fear and love a chase."


lulz_mage November 13 2008, 01:32:34 UTC
"Ahaha, I think I'll be quite fine, actually." Fye rummaged trough his coat pocket and pulled out his letter. "It says here that I am 'requested to teach in both water and air elementals'," he read outloud before looking up again. "But it says nothing about where this is. And sadly, I don't have a map," he showed an apologetic smile before putting the letter back again.

"I wouldn't mind if a helping soul would find it in them to show the way~" he said in a sing song voice.


lotsofhobbies November 13 2008, 01:39:13 UTC
That window of peace was starting to narrow at an alarming rate, and Kakashi very nearly ignored the obvious hint with some faked politeness and a fast exit, stopping himself only barely by reminding himself that instructors needed to stick together against the unwashed hordes.

"What a coincidence," his smile was fixed now, "I happen to be walking back to just that building. Perhaps you should accompany me and get that sorted out."


lulz_mage November 13 2008, 02:03:43 UTC
Putting the book aside on a table, Fye clapped his hands together in delight. It was starting off good, even if he could sort of feel the tiny distress in the other. His smile was as bright as ever though. He wasn't the first one to give up.

"Wonderful! Then, what are we waiting for?" He picked the book up and put it back on the shelf and took his bag. "You lead the way~"


lotsofhobbies November 13 2008, 02:08:48 UTC
He was definitely one of those types. The type that tired you out just by thinking in the same room as you. Kakashi had seen some students with the same misleading behaviour, and he hadn't liked them much either.

On the bright side, he would be a good decoy, and yet another sacrifice to the counselling service in place of himself and Leonhart. That in mind, he managed to keep up his expression as he gestured to the door and led Fye back outside.


lulz_mage November 13 2008, 02:13:46 UTC
Fye wasn't stupid. But he didn't mind being taken for gullible. It made things easier most of the time and gave him free space to roam as he wanted and not having to explain himself.

Firing the same smile back at the other man, he followed suit and walked up beside him. "So, what do you teach, Mr Kakashi Hatake?"


lotsofhobbies November 13 2008, 02:29:01 UTC
The grounds looked quite clear for an afternoon. He wondered vaguely if that had something to do with the gaggle of students making their way towards the library armed with various bits and pieces that marked them as the first to try the passageways. As usual he ignored them, instead choosing to answer Fye's question.

"Combat and power mimicry," which reminded him that he hadn't made any real effort to find this new power yet. He made a note to do so later, when it wouldn't startle the other man. "I'm also filling in for other classes until the instructors arrive. Lucky me."


lulz_mage November 13 2008, 08:09:21 UTC
Fye raised an eyebrow at the passing children and turned to ask about that as well when Kakashi spoke again.

"Oh? That sounds interesting," he smiled. "Does this mean that Mr. Kakashi Hatake will be able to copy my powers, perhaps?" He wasn't a newbie in the field of strange powers, and he could feel the radiating waves coming off the other man. It wasn't a strange power, and it wasn't unpleasant. It was just there. "You mean you teach more than three classes? I heard that was the maximum you were allowed."


lotsofhobbies November 15 2008, 19:36:11 UTC
"Officially," Kakashi agreed amiably, "Though when we're this short-staffed at the start of a year, anything goes." He wondered absently if Fye would be one of those who objected to mimicry. It didn't look like it, but some people hid their distaste better than others.

"I could," he eventually replied, the words an easy lie, "But my ability isn't active at the moment." He much preferred people to think he could control it. If there was a way of deactivating a power, he hadn't found it yet; his only method was constant, forced suppression.


lulz_mage November 15 2008, 20:33:24 UTC
"I guess. I think I'm fine with two classes." He actually had no idea what he was up against, but it would be a nice surprise he hoped. He didn't really enjoy the thought that someone around him could be able to copy his powers. Did it apply to the slight change he had from being a vampire too? Had this Kakashi even noticed there was something different about him, of course.

He chuckled at that. "Then I know that, at least. My powers are just elemental, and I suspect there are more of that sort of user here~" Fye grinned. He didn't believe that Kakashi had unactive powers. There was no way one could deactivate it. Only surpress it. He knew it far too well.


lotsofhobbies November 17 2008, 13:11:03 UTC
Kakashi nodded, already looking ahead to the residence block. For all it was the home of the majority of the staff, it looked a little dilapidated next to the other buildings. On the bright side, it had far fewer scorch marks, and contained no children. He might have volunteered to be a supervisor, but that didn't mean he liked it. It just meant the ability to strike fear into the hearts of students far outweighed the inconvenience of living with them.

"Very common," he agreed in a rather belated manner, "Whoever decided so many people needed the power to set things on fire by thinking about it has a strange sense of humour."


lulz_mage November 17 2008, 14:00:01 UTC
He raised an eyebrow at the building in front of them. It really looked a little off in comparison to the rest of the campus.

"...a strange humour indeed," Fye's voice darkened a bit, before he let on another smile. "I'm not quite sure where I'm staying, but I did volunteer to be a supervisor. I still haven't gotten an answer to that though."


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