YAY! I UPDATED!! i dunno who's excited but i am ^-^
Title: -
Characters: suju, Teuk-centric
Pairings: heeteuk, yewook, kyumin, eunhae, kangteuk
Rating: PG 12
Genre: Angst
DISCLAIMER: fictional and totally not true. result of my fangirling, sorry if you're uncomfortable with it. oh yeah, and i don't own them.
Warning: un-edited
Summary: (really corny sounding summaryXPP) Heechul and Jungsu have a quarrel and Jungsu runs away. He then gets into a serious accident and Heechul feels guilty as he thinks it was because of him that Jungsu almost died. Will Heechul manage to overcome his ego and apologise?
Let's recap!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 LAST PART a.k.a EPILOGUE