(no subject)

Nov 24, 2009 14:44

FIRST-TIMER HERE. tell me if i'm doing anything wrong^-^
Title: -
Characters: suju, Teuk-centric
Pairings: heeteuk, yewook, kyumin, eunhae, kangteuk
Rating: PG 12
Genre: Angst
DISCLAIMER: i don't own them
Warning: un-edited, accident!fic
Summary: (i suck at these kind of things...) Heechul and Jungsu have a quarrel and Jungsu runs away. He then gets into a serious accident and Heechul feels guilty as he thinks it was because of him that Jungsu almost died. Will Heechul manage to overcome his ego and apologise?
A/N: i know it sounds like mostly heeteuk but the rest of suju is quite largly invovled in this...

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

part12 coming soonXDD


Title: Fire (Smoke, 100 suju fic challenge, miracle______)
Characters: Leeteuk, Shindong
Pairing: Eeteuk/Shindong>> not a romantic relationship
Rating: pg
Warning: idk... not edited, written in my own personal opinion, no offense
Genre: fluffy?
DISCLAIMER: don’t own these awesome people....
Summary: Leeteuk thinks fire are B-E-A-utiful

challenge archive: hereies

read and comment, please?
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