so the power stopped working this, you'd think that at a comparitively large school like William and Mary, especially during finals week, the generator would kick and the only sign of a power outage would be blinking alarm clocks....
THere was no generator. THere was no air conditioning and no lights in the dorms. No lights in the classrooms. No power for the computers in the comp sci lab. Everything just stopped for five hours.
I took a shower in the pitch black bathroom with no class was in the dark this morning and the indoor temperature was sweltering. My final exam is tomorrow....
What made this all the more difficult was the following:
On the other hand, I go home tomorrow and am in the process of getting rid of all of the food I didn't eat. This, of course, is AWESOME because it means I can eat whatever whenever. As in, chocolate for breakfast....and other such debauchery.
Anyway, time to go can tell I am not too concerned about fitting it the 20 hours of study time, a la Swarthmore.